Conference / Seminar

School Board Management Conference

Event Details

November 27, 2024
Registration/Breakfast: 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. ET
Session: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 pm ET
Lunch will be served.

Delta Hotels by Marriott Toronto Airport & Conference Centre
Mississauga ABC Room
655 Dixon Rd, Toronto
M9W 1J3

Please note registration for this event will open shortly.

Fee: $545.00 plus $70.85 (13% HST)
Total $615.85 per person


Change is a constant in the human resources world, particularly for Ontario’s school boards. Ongoing developments in the law—whether through new legislation, arbitrations or the courts—and the rapid evolution of best practices create a fast-paced learning environment for human resources professionals, directors of education, supervisory officers and trustees.

Our School Board Management Conference is back and better than ever! Your morning begins with a “whirlwind tour” of recent developments in labour, employment and education law, followed by a plenary session on the right to privacy and freedom of expression and a special presentation from our guest speaker, Cheryl Hayes.  After lunch, you will have the opportunity to participate in two workshops designed to further your knowledge in areas that are most relevant to your role.

This is a can’t-miss conference for directors of education, trustees, supervisory officers and human resources professionals in the school board sector.

Special Offer

To celebrate the return of the conference, the registration fee is the same as it was for our previous School Board Management Conference, which was last held in 2019!



Registration and Coffee


Welcome and Opening Remarks


Whirlwind Tour

A fast-paced review of a wide variety of current topics.


Networking Break


Plenary Session

Application of the Charter to School Boards: What You Need to Know About the Right to Privacy and Freedom of Expression in Schools

Dolores Barbini, Frank Cesario, Lesley Campbell

A recent Supreme Court of Canada decision (York Region District School Board v. Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario) establishes that Ontario school boards are “government”—and therefore subject to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

This plenary session will explore the decision in depth and examine the impact the ruling will have on how school boards deal with privacy issues in their schools and workplaces. This plenary will also address freedom of expression, outlining the relevant principles developed under the Charter and how to balance various—often competing—interests under section 1 to assist school boards in how to navigate these issues when presented by students.


Guest Speaker

Cheryl Hayes, Co-Founder & Chief Business Development Officer, Cyber Legends




Workshop Session A – First Set

During registration, attendees can choose two of the three workshop options below.

  • Option One: Attendance Management and Accommodation

Julia Nanos, Jordynne Hislop

Over the past decade, many Ontario school boards have seen a concerning rise in absenteeism. Rising absenteeism has become so commonplace in Ontario that the Ministry of Education in June 2024 published PPM 171, mandating that all school boards in the Province put in place an Attendance Support Program that meets certain defined criteria outlined in the PPM. This workshop will focus, not on the mechanics of such policies and programs, but rather on effective attendance management strategies, emphasizing best practices and legal considerations pertaining to innocent absenteeism, accommodation, and sick leave usage. Attendees will explore relevant caselaw to better understand the legal landscape surrounding attendance management, with a view to leaving the workshop with the insights and practical tools necessary for handling complex attendance management issues more confidently and in a legally sound manner.

  • Option Two: Practical Tips and Strategies for Managing Complaints of Unsafe Work

Dianne Jozefacki, Nadine Zacks, Sean Reginio

In this presentation on Work Refusals, we will explore the complexities of managing work refusals under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), focusing on the competing duties and responsibilities faced by educators under the Education Act and related statutes. This will involve delving into the legal framework that governs work refusals and examining the balance between ensuring a safe working environment and fulfilling educational obligations. The presentation will include insightful case studies that highlight real-world scenarios, demonstrating how to navigate these challenging situations. Additionally, we will provide practical tips and best practices for effectively managing work refusals, ensuring compliance with both the OHSA and the Education Act while maintaining a safe and productive workplace.

  • Option Three: Gender Identity and Gender Expression in Schools

George Vuicic, Njeri Damali Sojourner Campbell

The increasing and evolving needs of exceptional students gives rise to unique employment and labour law issues involving the intersection of the Ontario Health and Safety Act, the Human Rights Code, the Education Act and the Labour Relations Act. Our presenters will identify and explain the legal complexities associated with such issues as the presence of service animals, refusals to perform “unsafe work,” refusals to participate in physical restraint training, teacher refusals to perform “EA work” and other disputed topics that may arise in connection with the education of exceptional students.


Networking Break


Workshop Session B – Second Set

During registration, attendees can choose two of the three workshop options below.

  • Option One: Attendance Management and Accommodation

Julia Nanos, Jordynne Hislop

Over the past decade, many Ontario school boards have seen a concerning rise in absenteeism. Rising absenteeism has become so commonplace in Ontario that the Ministry of Education in June 2024 published PPM 171, mandating that all school boards in the Province put in place an Attendance Support Program that meets certain defined criteria outlined in the PPM. This workshop will focus, not on the mechanics of such policies and programs, but rather on effective attendance management strategies, emphasizing best practices and legal considerations pertaining to innocent absenteeism, accommodation, and sick leave usage. Attendees will explore relevant caselaw to better understand the legal landscape surrounding attendance management, with a view to leaving the workshop with the insights and practical tools necessary for handling complex attendance management issues more confidently and in a legally sound manner.

  • Option Two: Practical Tips and Strategies for Managing Complaints of Unsafe Work

Dianne Jozefacki, Nadine Zacks, Sean Reginio

In this presentation on Work Refusals, we will explore the complexities of managing work refusals under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), focusing on the competing duties and responsibilities faced by educators under the Education Act and related statutes. This will involve delving into the legal framework that governs work refusals and examining the balance between ensuring a safe working environment and fulfilling educational obligations. The presentation will include insightful case studies that highlight real-world scenarios, demonstrating how to navigate these challenging situations. Additionally, we will provide practical tips and best practices for effectively managing work refusals, ensuring compliance with both the OHSA and the Education Act while maintaining a safe and productive workplace.

  • Option Three: Gender Identity and Gender Expression in Schools

George Vuicic, Njeri Damali Sojourner Campbell

Human rights is one of the most dynamic areas of law, with new legislative and case law developments continually changing the landscape of school boards’ legal obligations. Join us for an interactive workshop focussing on specific issues related to gender identity and gender expression in the education context, including accommodation of student preferences, considerations relating to students’ age, responding appropriately to parental involvement, and managing employee accommodation requests.


Conference Concludes

Hicks Morley will endeavour to accommodate guests with a disability in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code guidelines and other applicable legislation. If you require any accommodations for this event, please indicate the nature of the accommodation below.

Please note that in order to maximize the experience of attendees, spaces in the workshop will be limited. We encourage you to register early to avoid disappointment.