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September Update on Changes to the Canada Labour Code – Part 1 [Video]

With a number of changes to the Canada Labour Code having come into force on September 1, 2019, employers in the federal jurisdiction should take note of new and changing labour standards. These include new scheduling and break provisions, the right to flexible work arrangements, changes to holiday and vacation entitlements, a statutory right to refuse overtime, as well as new and amended leaves of absence.

OMHRA Fall 2019 ECHO Newsletter Features Articles Authored by Amanda Cohen and Jessica Toldo

The Fall 2019 issue of OMHRA’s ECHO newsletter features two articles authored by Amanda Cohen and Jessica Toldo. In the article “Divisional Court Reaffirms the Orillia Hospital Test for Accommodation,” the authors discuss a recent decision by the Ontario Divisional Court which quashed the decisions of the Arbitrator in a workplace accommodation related case.

Appellate Court: Employee Can’t Transform Employer’s Supportive Leniency (Allowing Flexibility in Her Start Time) into Contractual Obligation

The Ontario Divisional Court recently considered the issue of whether flexibility offered by an employer to an employee alters a fundamental term of the employee’s employment contract. In Peternel v. Custom Granite & Marble Ltd., the Divisional Court upheld a trial judge decision that the employee’s 8:30 a.m. start time at work was an existing…

Advantage CPD: Dealing with Workplace Violence in Healthcare

Workplace violence is a growing concern in the healthcare sector, and organizations need to ensure that they act quickly and proactively to address violent incidents and protect workers from harm. In order to do so, it is important to remain on top of legislative requirements and best practices, so as to ensure compliance with your legal obligations, maintain control of the situation and minimize potential harms. In this webinar, you will be updated on the latest case law, legal requirements and best practices to equip you with the information you need to deal with incidents of workplace violence.

September Update on Changes to the Canada Labour Code

We have reported on the changes to the Canada Labour Code (Code) which came into effect on July 29, 2019 and on September 1, 2019. The federal government has published new Interpretations, Policies and Guidelines (IPGs) in support of some of these changes, as well as a summary of various amendments which have not yet been proclaimed into force and their anticipated in force dates. Proposed regulations for the incoming Part IV, Administrative Monetary Penalties, of the Code have also been recently published for comment.

$1.27 Million Damages Award a Reminder to Employers of Perils Associated with Fixed Term Contracts

In McGuinty v. 1845035 Ontario Inc. (McGuinty Funeral Home), the Ontario Superior Court of Justice awarded a plaintiff over $1.27 million in damages for constructive dismissal after only one year had elapsed of a 10 year consulting services agreement (Agreement). In the absence of a cancellation provision, the defendant was obligated to pay the Agreement…

Canadian Corporate Counsel Association (CCCA) Webinar: Cybersecurity Defence, Response and Litigation

Overview To better understand strategic considerations and challenges and to gain insights as to how to navigate your obligations and implement practical measures to ensure compliance, our panelists will explore key data security and privacy issues including: Protection – policies and practices to prevent cybersecurity and privacy incidents Response – how to respond to minimize…