Successfully argued before the Ontario Labour Relations Board that placing unvaccinated employees on unpaid leave did not constitute a layoff under the collective agreement and was a valid exercise of the employer’s management rights.

Successfully represented a construction client on a collective bargaining dispute before Ontario Labour Relations Board.

Effectively represented the electrical industry employer organization in province-wide ICI negotiations and successfully defended the employer’s final wage offer in a dispute before the final offer selector under the electrical industry’s no strike/lockout accord.

Successfully defended a number of construction companies in labour board certification proceedings.

Successfully represented a construction employer on an application for certification before the Ontario Labour Relations Board, resulting in a withdrawal of the application by the union.

Successfully represented a construction company in a judicial review application of a labour board decision limiting damages assessed for employment standards breaches.

Successfully argued an interim decision before the Ontario Labour Relations Board permitting a construction client to maintain counsel of its choice for the duration of the hearing.

Advised a utility contractor in connection with an investigation into a fatality, following which no charges were laid.

Advised an electrical contractor in connection with an investigation into a critical injury on a job site, following which no charges were laid.

Successfully argued that a contractor has the right in appropriate circumstances to lay off a worker for lack of suitable work or terminate the worker for just cause where the owner of a project objects to the worker remaining on the project.