Represented a large insurer in regulatory hearings before the Superintendent of Insurance.

Successful in having 24 summonses issued against clients of an insurer broker quashed as an abuse of process.

Defended a company in an inquest into a scaffolding collapse at a concert.

Represented a law firm in a dispute by a former associate who made a claim against the firm as a result of not being admitted to the firm’s partnership.

Represented an accounting firm in a class action for wage and overtime.

Represented an engineering firm in a multi-claim relating to an oppression remedy.

Represented a professional firm through an extensive restructuring resulting in a mass termination.

Successfully represented an accounting firm in a human rights complaint based on a disability.

Represented trustees of a pension plan in a class action relating to ownership of surplus pension plan funds and administration of the pension plan and successfully resolved the matter with no liability for the trustees.

Represented trustees of a supplemental employee retirement plan in a class action arising from the partial wind up of the plan and successfully resolved the matter with no liability for the trustees.