Represented a plan administrator before the Court of Appeal for Ontario in a claim for a survivor pension which considered the test for qualifying as a common-law spouse and the administrator’s discharge provision under the Pension Benefits Act.
We offer legal services that include advice, courtroom and tribunal advocacy, negotiation, alternative dispute resolution, policy development and strategic planning. Below are examples of work we have performed for our clients.
Pension counsel to one of Canada’s leading steel producers in its Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act restructuring.
Represented trustees of a pension plan in a class action relating to ownership of surplus pension plan funds and administration of the pension plan and successfully resolved the matter with no liability for the trustees.
Successfully argued on behalf of a large steel mill that the union’s unreasonable conduct meant that no compensation should be awarded to an employee.
Represented an employer in negotiations to transform a single-employer pension plan into a jointly sponsored pension plan, requiring agreement with the union on joint governance, solvency funding relief, employer contribution limits and benefit modifications.
Represented multiple pension plan trustees in a class action relating to ownership of surplus pension plan funds.
Successfully represented a financial institution at trial in defending a claim relating to incentive compensation.
Successfully represented a hospital in a judicial review application relating to jurisdiction of an arbitrator to hear a significant pension claim.
Represented a media company plan administrator before the Ontario Superior Court and the Court of Appeal for Ontario in a precedent-setting case establishing the standard for separation agreement language needed to create a pension plan assignment following a member’s marriage breakdown.