15 Results

Successfully argued that, in meeting its obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and collective agreement provisions regarding health and safety, the employer (paramedic service) was correct in exercising its management rights to determine the appropriate safety equipment to be utilized.

Successfully represented a manufacturing employer in a grievance arbitration in which the termination of an employee for a health and safety incident was upheld.

Counsel to municipalities in their grievance arbitration and OHSA compliance work.

Obtained 90% SIEF relief in a PTSD claim based on prior psychological disability and extended recovery time.

Successfully resisted appeals seeking entitlement for CPD and psychotraumatic disability in a medically complex case.

Ongoing representation to private, public, and municipal sector in disability benefits/accommodation litigation.

As co-counsel, successfully defended an appeal at the Occupational Health and Safety Tribunal of Canada.

Regularly provides training on the use of medical marijuana in the workplace, workplace accommodation, workplace investigations, and workplace bullying and harassment.

Defended a company in an inquest into a scaffolding collapse at a concert.

Successfully argued to have a reprisal complaint filed under the Occupational Health and Safety Act dismissed for delay.