577 Results

Acted as chief spokesperson in a number of rounds of collective bargaining in the public and private sectors.

Successfully represented a municipality at rights arbitration involving complex scheduling issues.

Successfully represented an employer in a labour board application to terminate a union’s bargaining rights.

Successfully represented a manufacturing employer in a grievance arbitration in which the termination of an employee for a health and safety incident was upheld.

Successfully represented a healthcare employer in having a policy grievance with respect to shift premium pay dismissed.

Represented a municipal employer in a grievance arbitration to have a grievance challenging the scope of the bargaining unit dismissed.

Represented an employer in successfully resisting a certification application at the labour board.

Advises clients in relation to workplace accessibility requirements under Ontario’s Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act as well as Canada’s Accessible Canada Act.

Advises clients with respect to workplace investigations arising from workplace harassment, theft and other forms of employee misconduct.

Regularly represents employers in wrongful dismissal litigation including claims relating to constructive dismissal, misrepresentation and for-cause terminations.