Successfully represented a manufacturing employer in a grievance arbitration in which the termination of an employee for a health and safety incident was upheld.
We offer legal services that include advice, courtroom and tribunal advocacy, negotiation, alternative dispute resolution, policy development and strategic planning. Below are examples of work we have performed for our clients.
28 Results
Engaged in Coroner’s Inquest for major automobile manufacturer arising from fatality concerning the usage of a lift truck.
Successful in having a proposed class proceeding dismissed on jurisdiction and limitations grounds in the Ontario Court of Appeal, on behalf of several corporate and individual clients.
Successfully represented the employer in an appeal affecting 475 employees in the manufacturing sector brought before the Social Security Tribunal of Canada.
Successfully represented a large multi-national company in a grievance arbitration involving collective agreement interpretation issues.
Pension counsel to one of Canada’s leading steel producers in its Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act restructuring.
Successfully defeated certification in proposed class actions brought by employees regarding claims for employment standards payments following a plant closure, based on a jurisdictional motion (upheld on appeal).
Successfully argued a dismissal of a human rights claim on behalf of a manufacturing client based on expiration of the limitation period.
Successful in having charges against a manufacturer arising from a workplace fatality dismissed following a trial.
Successfully represented an aerospace manufacturer in a number of discharge cases.