Ontario Divisional Court Finds Group Living Home Did Not Discriminate Against Disabled Resident by Enforcing a No Visitor Policy During the COVID-19 Outbreak

On September 22, 2022, the Ontario Divisional Court (Court) released Empower Simcoe v. JL, in which the Court set aside decisions of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Tribunal). The Court held that Empower Simcoe’s COVID-19 visitor policy (Policy), which temporarily limited visits to essential personnel and was later updated to allow outdoor family visits…

Ontario Makes Changes to COVID-19 Requirements in Long-Term Care Homes

Effective October 14, 2022, Ontario has made a number of changes to COVID-19 requirements in long-term care homes (LTC Homes), as set out in the document titled “COVID-19 guidance document for long-term care homes in Ontario.” Active screening for COVID-19 is no longer required when visitors and caregivers are entering a facility (although it remains…

Federal Government Launches Consultations to Improve the Collective Bargaining Process

On October 19, 2022, the federal government announced that it is seeking public feedback regarding its plan to improve the collective bargaining process. The government states that the consultation was launched in response to its commitment to introduce legislation by the end of 2023 to prohibit the use of replacement workers during a strike or…

Two Recent Class Action Decisions of Note for Employers

In this latest edition of Common Ground? Class Action Updates, we discuss two recent decisions of interest to employers. The first is a certification order relating to a systemic claim of negligence within a workplace. The second considers a plausible methodology to measure compensable loss. Federal Court Certifies Class Action Brought by Current and Former…

Update on the Incoming Paid Medical Leave Under the Canada Labour Code

Federally regulated employers should be aware that amendments to the medical leave provisions of the Canada Labour Code are set to come into force on or before December 1, 2022. As set out below, we have clarified with Employment and Social Development Canada that these provisions will apply to all federally regulated employers, not just…

Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario Determines It Has Concurrent Jurisdiction with Labour Arbitrators to Decide Human Rights Claims

The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Tribunal) has determined that it has concurrent jurisdiction to decide claims of discrimination and harassment falling within the scope of a collective agreement governed by the Labour Relations Act (LRA) and the Police Services Act (PSA). The decision addresses a significant question of law arising from the 2021 decision…

Employers Take Note: Employees Entitled to Paid Time Off to Vote in Upcoming Municipal Election

Ontario-wide municipal elections will be held on Monday, October 24, 2022, and voting hours will run from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Employers should be aware that under the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (Act), all employees who are eligible to vote in the election are entitled to three consecutive hours during voting hours on election day to cast their…

Ontario Seeking Feedback on Plan to Expand Benefits Coverage

On September 27, 2022, the Ontario government announced that it is seeking public feedback on its plan to expand benefits like health and dental to workers who need coverage, including those in part-time and precarious jobs, in sectors such as retail, hospitality and the gig economy. This call for feedback follows the government’s appointment of…

Recent Case of Note from the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario

Welcome to our newest edition of the School Board Update. In this Update we review a recent decision from the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Tribunal) concerning allegations of discrimination with respect to educational services because of sex and gender identity contrary to the Ontario Human Rights Code (Code). We hope you find this summary…

Benefits After 65: Arbitrator Dismisses Grievance Challenging Age 65 LTD Cut-off but Awards Life Insurance Coverage Based on Collective Agreement

An Ontario labour arbitrator has upheld a grievance challenging the reduction of life insurance coverage for employees who die after having reached age 65, finding that the relevant provision of the insurance policy had not been incorporated into the collective agreement. In the same decision, the arbitrator dismissed two policy grievances challenging the termination of…