Federal Government Launches EI Consultations

On August 18, 2011, the federal government announced the launch of Employment Insurance (“EI”) rate-setting consultations, and released a related consultation paper. The EI consultations are intended to enhance delivery of benefits, and increase overall premium stability. Individuals and stakeholders may participate in the web-based consultation process online, or via email before November 30, 2011.

New Income Tax Proposals Introduced – Federal Budget 2011

On August 16, 2011, the Department of Finance released draft legislative and regulatory proposals to implement a number of key tax measures first introduced by the federal government in Budget 2011, the Next Phase of Canada’s Economic Action Plan—A Low-Tax Plan for Jobs and Growth. In part, “Legislative Proposals Relating to the Income Tax Act…

Anti-spam Regulation Proposed Under Bill C-28

On July 9, 2011, the federal government published proposed Electronic Commerce Protection Regulations under Bill C-28, the so-called “anti-SPAM” legislation. The proposed Regulations are administrative in nature and specifically provide definitions for terms used in Bill C-28, including “personal relationship” and “family relationship”. The Regulations also define the specific conditions under which consent would be…

Federal 2011 Budget (Post-Election) Introduced

On June 6, 2011, the federal government re-introduced “Budget 2011, the Next Phase of Canada’s Economic Action Plan—A Low-Tax Plan for Jobs and Growth” (PDF). As anticipated, the Budget includes all of the measures previously introduced by the government in March of 2011, which are outlined in our FTR Now of March 24, 2011, “Federal…

House of Commons Resumes Sitting

On June 2, 2011, the 41st Parliament commencement its first session. The government is expected to re-introduce its 2011 pre-election Budget, on June 6, 2011.

Ontario Signs Multi-Jurisdictional Pension Plan Agreement

On May 20, 2011, the Ontario government announced that it has signed the Agreement Respecting Multi-Jurisdictional Pension Plans (the “MJPPA”) (PDF) with the government of Quebec. The MJPPA will be effective July 1, 2011 for multi-jurisdictional pension plans where the “major authority” (province of registration) is Ontario or Quebec, and the pension plans have Ontario and…

Bill C-9 Pension Reforms Come Into Force

Effective April 1, 2011 and July 1, 2011, certain sections of the federal Jobs and Economic Growth Act (Bill C-9) and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (“PBSA”) come into force. As previously reported, amendments to the PBSA which were brought into force effective April 1, 2011 include provisions: permitting plan sponsors to secure letters…

Submissions to the New Brunswick Pension Task Force

The Pension Task Force, established to examine the long-term stability and security of pensions in New Brunswick, is seeking submissions from the public regarding the pension plan issues under review including: the rules protecting employees and pensioners; ensuring the long-term sustainability of the pension promise made to workers; and the effectiveness of structures meant to…

Federal Parliament Dissolved; Writs of Election Issued

On March 26, 2011, Parliament was proclaimed dissolved following adoption of a motion of non-confidence in the House of Commons. As a result, all outstanding business before the House, including all government and Private Members’ Bills, expired on the Order Paper. At the present time, Parliament is scheduled to reconvene on May 30, 2011, following…