New Federal Regulations Proposed for Health and Safety Committees/Representatives

On June 8, 2013, the federal government published proposed Policy Committees, Work Place Committees and Health and Safety Representatives Regulations (“Regulations”) made under the Canada Labour Code (“Code”). The proposed Regulations would replace the Safety and Health Committees and Representatives Regulations (“SHCRR”) to align the Regulations with amendments made to the Code in 2000, which…

Schedule to General FIPPA Regulation Amended

On May 17, 2013, the Ontario government filed O. Reg. 157/13 amending Regulation 460 (General) made under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FIPPA”). O. Reg. 157/13 amends the Schedule to Regulation 460 by revoking and/or adding certain entities as designated institutions under FIPPA. With one exception, O. Reg. 157/13 came into…

Significant Punitive Damages Awarded by Saskatchewan Court

In the recent case Branco v. American Home Assurance Company, the Court of Queen’s Bench for Saskatchewan ordered $4.5 million in punitive damages against two insurance companies arising from what the court found to be their “cruel and malicious acts” against an injured worker. The case involved a worker who was injured on the job…

Federal Budget Bill Referred to Committee

On May 7, 2013, Bill C-60, Economic Action Plan 2013 Act No. 1, passed Second Reading in the House of Commons and was ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Finance. As previously reported, Bill C-60 is omnibus legislation which, if passed, will give effect to certain initiatives contained in the Federal Budget 2013.

Regulatory Amendments Relating to End of Mandatory Issuance of SIN Cards Now in Force

Social Insurance Number Regulations made under the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act, which include Consequential Amendments to the Employment Insurance Act Regulations, came into force on April 30, 2013. Among other things, these Regulations align the regulatory framework with legislative changes enacted in the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act (“JGLPA”) which end the…

CLC Amendments Increasing Fines and Requiring Federal Employers to Insure LTD Plans to Come into Force July 1, 2014

Sections 434 to 439 of the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act (“JGLPA”) have been proclaimed into force effective July 1, 2014. The JGLPA is omnibus legislation giving effect to certain initiatives contained in the federal Budget 2012. Sections 434 to 439 amend the Canada Labour Code (“Code”) to, among other things: require every federal…

New High Water Mark for Punitive Damages Award: $4.5 Million

A recent decision of the Court of Queen’s Bench for Saskatchewan, which granted an injured worker $4.5 million in punitive damages, has garnered considerable media attention. The plaintiff, Mr. Branco, was a Canadian citizen. He sued his employer (Kumtor, owned by Saskatchewan-based Cameco) and insurers AIG and Zurich Life in relation to benefits arising from…

Changes to Temporary Foreign Worker Program Announced

On April 29, 2013, the federal government announced significant reforms to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (“TFWP”). Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, commented that the “reforms will require that greater efforts be made to recruit and train Canadians to fill available jobs … [and to] help ensure the Temporary Foreign Worker Program…

No Charter-Protected Right to Strike Says Saskatchewan Court Of Appeal

In a much-anticipated decision – Government of Saskatchewan v. Saskatchewan Federation of Labour, 2013 SKCA 43 – a five-member panel of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal has found that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the “Charter“) does not guarantee a right to strike for unions and their members. Rather, the Court found that…