Whether you are buying, selling or operating a business in Canada, Hicks Morley can help. With over 120 lawyers in five cities across Ontario, we can help you develop proactive best practices and expertly represent your interests when disputes arise. We help our U.S.-based clients in the following areas: Employment Law: We regularly advise on the…
Business Operation: United States
Taxation Rules for Lump Sum Amounts Received in Lieu of Benefits Coverage
In June, 2011, the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) announced new rules governing lump sum payments made to employees or retirees in lieu of their healthcare coverage. These new rules, which come into effect on January 1, 2012, followed the announcement in the 2011 federal Budget that CRA was re-examining its position on these payments (see…
2010 Fall Issue
LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS eProblems with eDiscovery FOCUS ON TEAM USA The Growing Need for U.S. Cross-border Expertise PROFILE The Art of the Deal Download PDF
Hicks Morley Information & Privacy Post – Fall 2008
We’re nearing the end of 2008 and are happy to present another edition of the Post. There’s been no shortage of significant developments in the law of information and privacy of late, including a rather welcome clarifying judgement from the Alberta Court of Appeal on the law of spoliation. The case, called McDougall, certainly does…
Hicks Morley Information & Privacy Post – Summer 2008
ENJOY YOUR SUMMER! We hope you enjoy this mid-summer edition of the Hicks Morley Information & Privacy Post – our quarterly newsletter about case law developments in privacy, access to information, the protection of confidential business information and the law of production. We’ve had a busy summer for client relations here, having recently launched a…
Students at Risk – Maintaining Balance After Virginia Tech
IN THIS ISSUE: What would the reasonable administrator do? When there is imminent risk of serious harm Managing non-imminent risks is challenging but possible Conclusion – Schools should assert their right to information