Changing Workplaces Review – Final Report Issued

Earlier today, the government issued the long-awaited final report from the Changing Workplaces Review, entitled An Agenda for Workplace Rights (Final Report), which was prepared by the government-appointed Special Advisors Mr. Justice John Murray and Mr. Michael Mitchell. The Special Advisors were mandated to consider the changing nature of the workplace, the causes behind those…

L’examen portant sur l’évolution des milieux de travail – Publication du Rapport final

Le 23 mai 2017, le gouvernement a publié le très attendu rapport final découlant de l’Examen portant sur l’évolution des milieux de travail. Ce rapport, intitulé Un programme pour les droits en milieu de travail (le « Rapport final »), a été préparé par les conseillers spéciaux nommés par le gouvernement, soit M. le juge John Murray…

Recent Minimum Standards Cases of Note

In this Minimum Standards Monitor, we discuss two recent cases of interest to employers. In the first, an arbitrator found that an employee returning from maternity/parental leave was not entitled to the exact same work conditions which she left, even though the original job still existed. A comparable replacement position was sufficient…

Employer’s Egregious Mistreatment of Disabled Employee Leads to Increase in Damages Award

In a recent wrongful dismissal case, Strudwick v. Applied Consumer & Clinical Evaluations Inc., the Court of Appeal increased the amount of damages awarded to an employee from $113,782 to $240,000, for what the Court of Appeal described as “a marked departure from any conceivable standard of decent behaviour” in an employer’s treatment of its employee…

Disclosure of Disability Post-Termination Won’t Negate Dismissal for Cause

Is an employer obligated to set aside the termination of an employee if the employee subsequently discloses a disability? The Ontario Court of Appeal has seemingly answered this question in the case of Bellehumeur v. Windsor Factory Supply Ltd. and provided clarity to employers regarding their ability to discipline inappropriate workplace conduct perpetrated by employees who suffer…

Court of Appeal Rejects Use of “Snapshot” Approach to Determine Exclusivity in Contractor Relationships

Employment relationships generally fall into one of three categories: employee, dependent contractor or independent contractor. Exclusivity is often a key consideration when determining what category applies. Recently, the Court of Appeal for Ontario considered the degree of exclusivity required in a dependent contractor relationship in Keenan v. Canac Kitchens Ltd. In Keenan, the plaintiffs had…

“Tips and Gratuities” Reforms to the ESA Effective June 10, 2016

On December 10, 2015, Bill 12, An Act to Amend the Employment Standards Act, 2000 With Respect to Tips and Other Gratuities, received Royal Assent, and accordingly, its reforms to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”) will come into force on June 10, 2016 (i.e. 6 months after the Royal Assent date). As previously reported, the Bill 12…