On November 1, 2012, the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) released the “2013 Rates for Money Purchase limits, RRSP limits, YMPE, DPSP limits and Defined Benefits limits,” which are as follows: The 2013 annual pension for the year in which a pension commences to be paid under a Defined Benefit pension plan will be limited to…
Category: Uncategorized
2013 Maximum Pensionable Earnings Under CPP Announced
On November 1, 2012, the federal government announced that in 2013, the maximum pensionable earnings under the Canada Pension Plan will be $51,100. The maximum employer and employee contribution rates will remain at the 2012 rate of 4.95%.
2012 Fall Edition
FOCUS ON 40TH ANNIVERSARY A “client first” culture – 40 years of Hicks Morley excellence LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS Recent case imposes Criminal Code fines for workplace health and safety violations Healthy email use for corporations: Ten tips PROFILE Covering all the bases Download PDF
Federal Budget Bill Passes Second Reading, Referred to Committee
On October 30, 2012, Bill C-45, Jobs and Growth Act, 2012, passed Second Reading in the House of Commons and was referred to the Standing Committee on Finance. As previously reported, Bill C-45 is the second omnibus budget bill giving effect to certain initiatives contained in the federal government’s Budget 2012.
Court Orders for Preservation of Evidence: What You Need to Know
We are all familiar with the concept of a search warrant, from watching police dramas on TV or in a movie theatre. But you may not know that the courts can issue a type of search warrant to litigants in a civil case. These are called “Anton Piller” orders, and they are typically meant to…
Second and Final Tranche of Pooled Registered Pension Plans Regulations Published for Comment
On October 26, 2012, the federal government announced that it was pre-publishing proposed Regulations Amending the Pooled Registered Pension Plans Regulations (“Proposed Regulations”) for public commentary and that once the Proposed Regulations are finalized, the Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act (“Act”) and its supporting regulations will come into force. As stated in the announcement, the…
Federal Government Introduces Second Budget Implementation Bill
On October 18th, the federal Government introduced Bill C-45, the Jobs and Growth Act, 2012. This is the second Budget Bill introduced in Parliament to enact measures announced in the federal Budget, which was tabled on March 29, 2012. In addition to enacting various Budget measures, Bill C-45 would also enact changes to the Canada…
Alberta Introduces Pension Reform Bill
On October 25, 2012, Bill 10, Employment Pension Plans Act, received first reading in the Alberta Legislature. Bill 10 is introduced further to a report tabled in 2008 by the Alberta and British Columbia Joint Expert Panel on Pension Standards, “Getting Our Acts Together,” regarding pension reform in those two provinces. Pension reform legislation was…
Supreme Court of Canada Grants Leave in Cyber-Picketing Case
The Supreme Court of Canada has granted leave to appeal in United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 401 v Alberta (Attorney General), a decision from the Alberta Court of Appeal which raised extremely broad questions about the constitutionality of Alberta’s commercial sector privacy statute in disposing of a dispute about the right of a union…
Federal Government Registers Pooled Registered Pension Plans Regulations
On October 5, 2012, Pooled Registered Pension Plans Regulations were registered by the federal government. The Regulations provide supporting details for the Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act (“Act”). Among other things, the Regulations establish: the licensing conditions for a Pooled Registered Pension Plan (“PRPP”) administrator; the management and investment of funds in PRPP members’ accounts;…