Update: COVID-19 – Questions and Answers for Employers

As we learn more about the Novel Coronavirus (2019-vCoV or Coronavirus), employers will no doubt be contemplating the potential implications of this virus on their workplaces. We have set out below some of the emerging questions that employers may have right now and our answers and guidelines for how to address these issues.

COVID-19 and Workplace Preparedness

Health officials in Canada have stated that the risk of contracting COVID-19 remains very low. That said, in recent weeks the virus has been top of mind for many, including employers. In this FTR Now, we discuss workplace pandemic planning and operational issues employers should be anticipating in the unlikely event of an outbreak.

Kindergarten Class Size Caps, Right to Remain Silent During a Board’s Investigation and More…

In our first School Board Update of 2020, we discuss recent decisions of interest which look at kindergarten class size caps, whether a grievor had the right to remain silent during a school board’s investigation and whether a grievor was entitled to accommodation in respect of her commute to work. We also provide links to…

Arbitrator Renders Helpful Decision for Multi-Site Employers Dealing with Commute to Work Accommodation Requests

In Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation and Toronto District School Board, Grievance # 13-50 (Accommodation), Arbitrator Nyman held that the refusal of the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) to transfer the grievor, a secondary school teacher who suffered from chronic pain and fatigue, to a school located within 15 kilometers of her home to ease…

New Year – New Standard of Review

Just prior to the end of 2019, the Supreme Court of Canada established a new framework that is designed to guide lower courts on applying the standard of review in judicial review applications. The Court’s long-awaited “trilogy” of cases in Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) v. Vavilov and the two companion appeals heard together in Bell Canada v. Canada (Attorney General) represents an express departure and evolution from the framework that the Court set out in the case of Dunsmuir decided over a decade ago.

Alberta Appellate Court Renders Significant Decision on University Autonomy and Expressive Rights

Universities value their autonomy, and though subject to court supervision, have long been accorded significant leeway in managing their academic and non-academic affairs. The Alberta Court of Appeal recently issued a decision that is controversial in its recognition that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms governs an Alberta university’s control over the use of its space. This decision conflicts with jurisprudence in other jurisdictions and may be challenged, but it does highlight the pressures on university autonomy today, particularly as they pertain to matters involving free expression.

Changes Are Coming to the Justice System in Ontario

On December 9, 2019, the Ontario government tabled Bill 161, Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2019, omnibus legislation that, if passed, would enact significant changes to the justice system through amendments to numerous statutes. Set out below is a brief summary of the notable changes to the Class Proceedings Act, 1992, the Courts of Justice…