In a session titled, “New Year, New Law: Unveiling Bill 79 and Anticipating Bill 149 – Insights for Success,” Diane Harbin will begin by decoding Bill 79 and examining recent updates to the legislation. She will discuss crucial provisions such as the inclusion of remote workers in the establishment definition, mass termination obligations and heightened fines for occupational health and safety violations.
Industry: Education
Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA): 2024 Education Labour Relations and Human Resources Symposium
Designed for school board trustees, labour relations practitioners, human resources practitioners, supervisory officers and directors of education, this year’s Education Labour Relations and Human Resources Symposium will feature informative keynote speakers, panels and workshops on innovation and transformation in a changing labour relations environment.
2024 Faculty Bargaining Services (FBS) Annual Summit
FBS promotes excellence in academic labour relations in Canadian universities. As both a training and knowledge-sharing opportunity, the annual conference brings together labour relations professionals from Canadian universities to better equip them in matters related to academic collective bargaining and contract administration.
Ontario School Boards’ Insurance Exchange (OSBIE): Risk Management Seminar
In “Navigating the Duty to Accommodate in School Boards: Mitigating Risks and Enhancing Inclusivity,” Dianne Jozefacki will delve into the critical aspects of managing risk within the duty to accommodate.
The Growing Your Workforce Conference
This year’s Growing Your Workforce Conference, hosted by Workforce WindsorEssex, focuses on addressing workforce development challenges and opportunities across Southwestern Ontario. It is an event where ideas are exchanged, best practices are shared, and solutions are crafted to address the pressing issues facing workforces, talent pipelines and local labour markets.
Build a Better Employment Agreement: Do It Right to Mitigate Your Risk
The world of employment agreements has changed significantly in recent years but through proper terms and structure, employment agreements can help employers mitigate costly litigation and unforeseen financial consequences. This complimentary webinar will provide an overview of the essential components of an employment agreement that, if improperly drafted, have the potential to pose significant financial and litigation risk to an organization.
Advanced WSIB Claims Management: The Return-to-Work Process
The WSIB return-to-work process is complex. Employers must navigate multiple issues such as meeting return-to-work obligations, managing claim costs and addressing potential concurrent employment law issues.
Attendance Management Training Workshop
Employee absenteeism is one of the most challenging issues an employer faces. From administering an attendance management plan, to dealing with chronic absenteeism, to terminating an employee’s employment for failure to report to work, employers are often treading cautiously so as not to infringe on an employee’s privacy or human rights.
Accommodating Mental Health in the Workplace: Advanced Accommodation Principles
Managing mental health issues in the workplace poses a considerable challenge to employers, who are often required to navigate difficult questions around employee privacy, employment preferences, and workplace rules and expectations with the duty to accommodate.
Workplace Investigation Training Workshop: Applying What You Know (Part 2)
This session will begin with a brief overview of workplace investigation best practices. We will then turn our attention to an interactive exercise in which attendees will have the opportunity to use what they learned in Part 1 to develop and hone their skills.