Successfully represented a school board at the Divisional Court with respect to a motion seeking leave to intervene in a judicial review application.

Successfully defended a university at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario with respect to an application claiming discrimination on the basis of disability.

Successfully represented a university at a judicial review application at the Divisional Court where an arbitration award upholding the dismissal of a professor was challenged.

Successfully resisted production of comparator files at arbitration on behalf of a university client.

Successfully argued summary hearing at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario to dismiss application alleging a school board’s failure to accommodate a disabled employee.

Assisted school board clients in successful application to the Ontario Labour Relations Board in respect of an unlawful strike.

Defended a human rights application asserting systemic racial discrimination on the part of the school board.

Obtained a preliminary dismissal of a grievance on the grounds that the grievor’s alleged religious observances did not attract the protections of the Human Rights Code.

Successfully argued for the summary dismissal of a human rights proceeding brought against a school board.

Successfully defended a college in a claim brought by a former student alleging discrimination on the basis of disability.