Preparing for Canada’s New Anti-Spam Legislation

Canada’s new anti-spam legislation is coming soon. Commonly referred to as “CASL”, the new legislation will impose strict obligations that apply to a range of business emails and other electronic communications that you might not consider to be “spam”. All businesses, even those without formal email marketing programs, should assess their potential exposure to CASL…

AODA Accessible Built Environment: Consultation Paper on Proposed Changes to Building Code Released

The Ontario government has released a consultation paper on proposed changes to the barrier-free design requirements of Ontario’s Building Code. The proposed Building Code changes arise from the development of built environment accessibility standards under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”). The consultation process focuses on certain key accessibility requirements, including: Renovations…

Proposed Anti-spam Regulations Published

On January 5, 2013, Electronic Commerce Protection Regulations (“ECP Regulations”), proposed under Canada’s Anti-spam Legislation (“CASL”*), were published. As previously reported, the CASL enacts comprehensive anti-spam legislation relating to the sending of commercial electronic messages (“CEMs”). The CASL has not yet been proclaimed into force, with the exception of certain Personal Information Protection and Electronic…

New Mandatory Health and Safety Training Regulation Proposed under OHSA

The Ontario government has proposed a new regulation to be made under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”), further to the recommendation of the Expert Advisory Panel in 2010 that programs for mandatory health and safety awareness training be developed for Ontario workplaces. The proposed regulation would apply to all workplaces currently covered by…

Amendments to CIRB Regulations Now in Force

On December 18, 2012, the federal government registered Regulations Amending the Canada Industrial Relations Board Regulations, 2001 (“Regulations”), which amend the Canada Industrial Relations Board Regulations, 2001 (“CIRBR”) made under the Canada Labour Code (“Code”). As previously reported, the government had invited comments on the proposed Regulations in November 2012. The Regulations came into force…

Regulatory Amendments Enacted to Allow CPPIB/PSPIB to Rely on Prudent Person Standard

On December 14, 2012, Regulations Amending the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Regulations were registered. As previously reported and of particular note, this amendment repeals section 12 of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Regulations (“CPPIBR”) which established quantitative investment limits in respect of Canadian resource and real properties. The repeal of this section aligns…

Supreme Court of Canada to Hear Appeal in Mounted Police Association Case

The Supreme Court of Canada will be providing further clarification on the freedom of association guarantee in the Charter and the scope of collective bargaining. The Court has recently granted leave to appeal in Mounted Police Association of Ontario v. Canada, where the Court of Appeal for Ontario found that a separate labour relations scheme…

SCC Grants Leave to Appeal in Freedom of Association/Collective Bargaining Case

On December 20, 2012, the Supreme Court of Canada granted leave to appeal in the Mounted Police Association case which considered whether RCMP Regulations dealing with consultations between management and officers offended the freedom of association guarantee found in section 2(d) of the Charter. This case is important because it deals with the scope of…