Successfully secured intervener status for a hospital in a policy grievance in respect of an influenza policy.

Successfully argued at a labour arbitration on behalf of a healthcare provider that a limitation on bereavement leave language with respect to the definition of ‘in-law’ was contrary to a broader interpretation in recent case law.

Successfully defended a hospital against a psychiatrist’s claim of racial discrimination.

Persuaded an arbitration board to uphold the termination for cause of a hospital employee with nearly 30 years of service for assault in the workplace.

Ongoing representation of hospitals and municipalities across Ontario in their rights and interest arbitrations in the healthcare sector.

Successfully defended an in-home healthcare provider in a significant discharge case for sick leave abuse and achieved a successful result in having the long-time inclusion of a supervisory group of employees overturned and the group removed from the bargaining unit.

Successfully obtained an arbitration award for a hospital confirming that the elimination of shifts/lines on part-time schedule did not constitute a layoff or elimination of a position.

Successfully represented bio-medical manufacturer at arbitration in contracting out grievance brought by unionized drivers.

Successfully represented a health services employer at arbitration and at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario in a grievance and an application brought by unionized employee alleging reprisal resulting from association with transgendered employee.

Counsel to various Ontario hospitals in OPSEU, SEIU, CUPE and ONA local issues interest arbitrations including Bill 124 (Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019) reopener negotiations.