COVID-19 – Continuity of Pension Plan Administration and Related Regulatory Flexibility

During these uncertain times, pension plan administrators must continue to administer their pension plans and provide benefits to members, former members and retired members. Employers and pension plan administrators face a number of upcoming filing and disclosure deadlines and may have challenges in meeting those deadlines as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Advantage CPD: Going Viral – COVID-19 Advice for Employers

As the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Canada continues to rise, so too are the challenges that employers are facing across the country. Join us for a one-hour webinar as our presenters answer frequently asked questions and provide information on some of the key issues affecting employers with respect to the virus.

WSIB Announces Relief Package for Businesses

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) has announced a financial relief package which will allow the deferral of premium reporting and payments until August 31, 2020. Businesses which report and pay monthly, quarterly or annual premiums are eligible for the deferral. Specifically, the deferral applies to payments due on the following dates: Monthly: March…

Ontario’s Announcement about Closure of Non-Essential Businesses: Questions and Answers for Employers

On March 23, 2020 Premier Doug Ford announced that effective 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, March 24, all non-essential businesses will be ordered to close for 14 days, and possibly longer. This order is made further to the emergency declared on March 17, 2020 under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. Here is what employers need to consider now.

Advantage CPD: COVID-19 Catch-up – What Employers Need to Know About the New Changes

A lot can change in a week. With a view to containing the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a flurry of announcements at the provincial and federal levels, including a Declared Emergency by the Ontario Government. From the mandatory closure of certain facilities, to the waiving of the waiting period for Employment Insurance (EI) sickness benefits for quarantined employees, closure of borders to non-essential travel, extension of the EI work-sharing program, and prohibited gatherings of over 50 people, new measures are being announced at a rapid pace.