WSIB Launches Public Consultation on Draft Policies for New Rate Framework

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) has launched a public consultation on seven draft policies made in support of its new Rate Framework, which was approved by the WSIB Board of Directors in November 2016. The Rate Framework has a targeted implementation date of January 2019. Comments are invited on the following draft policies:…

Addressing the Retirement System “Gap”: PRPPs Now Available in Ontario

In 2012, the federal government introduced a new type of tax-preferential workplace pension plan, the Pooled Registered Pension Plan (PRPP). Ontario is one of six Canadian provinces to have incorporated PRPP legislation into its existing provincial retirement framework, through the implementation of legislation last Fall. In this FTR Now, we explain the key features of…

The Supreme Court’s Decision on Proving Mental Injury and its Implications for Employers

In a recent decision, Saadati v. Moorhead, the Supreme Court of Canada unanimously held that proof of a recognized psychiatric injury is no longer necessary to award damages for mental injuries caused by negligence. Although this finding was made in the context of a personal injury case, it may have implications for employers. The plaintiff/appellant…

Bill 148 and the ESA – Changes are on the Horizon for Ontario Employers

On June 1, 2017, the Ontario government introduced Bill 148, the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017 (Bill 148), its highly anticipated response to the Final Report from the Changing Workplaces Review. If passed, Bill 148 would introduce a range of changes to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) and the Labour Relations Act, 1995…

Ontario Proposes Legislative Overhaul of Labour Relations Act, 1995 in Bill 148 – Are you Prepared?

The provincial government has wasted little time in responding to the Final Report of the Special Advisors under Ontario’s Changing Workplaces Review (Final Report). On June 1, 2017, the government introduced Bill 148, the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017, legislation that if passed, will implement significant reforms to both the Employment Standards Act, 2000…

Anti-Racism Act, 2017 Now in Force

On June 1, 2017, Bill 114, the Anti-Racism Act, 2017 received Royal Assent and came into force. Among other things, the Anti-Racism Act, 2017 (Act): requires the Ontario government to maintain an anti-racism strategy which includes: initiatives to eliminate systemic racism, including those that assist racialized groups that are most adversely impacted by systemic racism,…

Ontario Tables Bill to Amend Employment and Labour Laws

On June 1, 2017, the Ontario government introduced Bill 148, the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017, legislation which, if passed, will make significant amendments to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) and the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (LRA). On the same date, the Bill was referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs….