Alberta Pension Reform Bill Passes Third Reading

On November 20, 2012, Bill 10, Employment Pension Plans Act, passed Third Reading in the Alberta Legislature. As previously reported, Bill 10 is an overhaul of the existing pension legislation in Alberta and will repeal and replace the Employment Pension Plans Act. The government of Alberta has issued an update outlining the key differences between…

Federal Budget Bill Reported Back to House of Commons

On November 26, 2012, Bill C-45, Jobs and Growth Act, 2012, was reported back to the House of Commons from the Standing Committee on Finance without amendment. As previously reported, Bill C-45 is the federal government’s second omnibus Bill which, if passed, will give effect to certain initiatives contained in its Budget 2012. For more…

Enjoying a Safe Holiday Office Party

Once again, the holiday season is upon us and it is that time of year when employers begin to plan for seasonal and holiday celebrations. Whether these celebrations are large or small, it is important that employers take proactive steps to ensure the health and safety of their employees who attend office parties or other…

Letters of Credit Pension Regulation Filed

On November 15, 2012, the Ontario government filed O. Reg. 364/12, which amends Regulation 909 made under the Pension Benefits Act (“PBA”) and implements the framework for letters of credit under the yet to be proclaimed section 55.2 of the PBA. Section 55.2 of the PBA will allow the use of letters of credit in…

HRTO finds applicant breached confidentiality provision of settlement

The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario recently found that an applicant breached the confidentiality provisions of her human rights settlement when she posted information about the settlement on Facebook. When the respondent learned of the breach, it refused to pay the monies owing under the settlement, and the applicant brought an application before the Tribunal…

Federal Committee Considers Bill Requiring Disclosure of Information by Labour Organizations

On November 7, 2012, Bill C-377, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (Requirements for labour organizations) was considered before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. Bill C-377 is a private member’s bill which, if passed, will amend the Income Tax Act to require labour organizations to file a public information return…