CASL Update – Coming into Force of Private Right of Action Delayed

This is to provide an update on significant developments relating to Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) in light of a government decision to delay changes anticipated to come into effect on July 1, 2017 and to review the much-maligned enactment. Introduction of Private Right of Action Delayed The federal government issued an Order in Council yesterday…

Bill 148 and the ESA – Changes are on the Horizon for Ontario Employers

On June 1, 2017, the Ontario government introduced Bill 148, the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017 (Bill 148), its highly anticipated response to the Final Report from the Changing Workplaces Review. If passed, Bill 148 would introduce a range of changes to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) and the Labour Relations Act, 1995…

Ontario Proposes Legislative Overhaul of Labour Relations Act, 1995 in Bill 148 – Are you Prepared?

The provincial government has wasted little time in responding to the Final Report of the Special Advisors under Ontario’s Changing Workplaces Review (Final Report). On June 1, 2017, the government introduced Bill 148, the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017, legislation that if passed, will implement significant reforms to both the Employment Standards Act, 2000…

Anti-Racism Act, 2017 Now in Force

On June 1, 2017, Bill 114, the Anti-Racism Act, 2017 received Royal Assent and came into force. Among other things, the Anti-Racism Act, 2017 (Act): requires the Ontario government to maintain an anti-racism strategy which includes: initiatives to eliminate systemic racism, including those that assist racialized groups that are most adversely impacted by systemic racism,…

Ontario Tables Bill to Amend Employment and Labour Laws

On June 1, 2017, the Ontario government introduced Bill 148, the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017, legislation which, if passed, will make significant amendments to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) and the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (LRA). On the same date, the Bill was referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs….

Ontario to Introduce Significant Amendments to Employment and Labour Laws

On May 30, 2017, the Ontario government announced its intention to introduce The Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017 (Act), omnibus legislation proposing a series of broad ranging, significant amendments to Ontario’s Employment Standards Act, 2000 and Labour Relations Act, 1995. According to the government’s announcement, the Act will contain a package of proposed legislative…

Le rapport final de l’examen portant sur l’évolution des milieux de travail – Analyse des normes d’emploi

Dans notre troisième mise à jour relative au rapport final de l’examen portant sur l’évolution des milieux de travail (le « Rapport final »), nous axons notre analyse sur les recommandations liées à la Loi de 2000 sur les normes d’emploi. Alors que plusieurs recommandations portent sur des changements proposés à des normes spécifiques, le Rapport final insiste particulièrement sur les mesures de conformité dans le cadre d’initiatives tant dans le domaine de l’éducation que de l’application de la loi, le tout en vue de parvenir à une « culture de convenance et de conformité » en Ontario…

Changing Workplaces Review Final Report – Focus on Employment Standards

In this, our third update related to the Changing Workplaces Review Final Report (Final Report), we focus our discussion on the recommendations related to the Employment Standards Act, 2000. While many of the recommendations relate to proposed changes to specific standards, the Final Report contains a strong emphasis on compliance measures, comprised of both education…

Focus Le rapport final de l’examen portant sur l’évolution des milieux de travail – Analyse de la Loi de 1995 sur les relations de travail

Dans cette mise à jour relative au Rapport final des conseillers spéciaux de l’examen portant sur l’évolution des milieux de travail (le « Rapport final »), nous nous concentrons sur les recommandations des conseillers relativement aux modifications proposées à la Loi de 1995 sur les relations de travail (LRT)…