Cannabis in the Workplace: Workplace Policy [Video]

In light of the upcoming legalization of recreational cannabis, it is critical that employers review all current policies to determine whether revisions are required. In this video, Jacqueline Luksha reviews key features of a Drug and Alcohol policy related to cannabis in the workplace. She also discusses the importance of training regarding cannabis use, and touches on policies dealing with accommodation requests.

Advantage CPD: Hot Topics – and Key Challenges – in Human Rights Law

Are you ready to respond quickly and effectively when complex accommodation requests – or allegations of sexual harassment – are made? Does the legalization of marijuana really change any of your obligations as an employer? What obligations do employees with child or elder care issues have to “self-help” – if at all? Understanding the latest developments in the human rights law is key to ensuring your organization is fully prepared to deal with these issues when they arise. Find out what you need to know in this Advantage CPD session.

Setting up Shop in Canada? What U.S. Employers Need to Know About Canadian Labour Law – Part 2 [Video]

In this series, David Bannon walks through some key differences in labo(u)r law that U.S. employers should know when buying, selling or operating a business in Canada. In this installment, David discusses employer’s ability to communicate with employees during organizing and bargaining, the lack of “Right to work” jurisdictions in Canada, the timing of legal strikes and constitutional protections for labour processes. In the previous installment, David discussed the governing regimes for labour relations, the timing of the union certification process and an employer’s duty to disclose certain information to a train union.

Setting up Shop in Canada? What U.S. Employers Need to Know About Canadian Labour Law – Part 1 [Video]

In this series, David Bannon walks through some key differences in labo(u)r law that U.S. employers should know when buying, selling or operating a business in Canada. In this instalment, David discusses the governing regimes for labour relations in Canada, the timing of the union certification process and an employer’s duty to disclose certain information to a trade union.

Federal Government Reviewing Consultation Feedback on Modernizing the Canada Labour Code

On August 30, 2018, the federal government published “What We Heard: Modernizing Federal Labour Standards” (Report), in which it reviews the results of a ten-month consultation process with employers, unions, employees, academics and other stakeholders on modernizing the Canada Labour Code (Code) to better reflect the needs of a 21st century workforce.

Sexual Harassment Incident Response Workshop

Allegations of sexual harassment can arise in any workplace, at any time – and when they do, a poorly executed response can lead to significant liability. Ensuring your organization’s incident response strategy is effective will keep you in control of the situation and minimize the potential harms that can result. Join with peers from other organizations and participate in a scenario-based tabletop exercise and group discussion that will test your incident response smarts and provide you with practical tips and strategies that you can apply in managing your next incident.

Marriage Breakdown Workshop

The division of pension benefits on marriage breakdown and the determination of entitlement to death benefits often gives rise to complex administration issues, which can be compounded by the emotions of the parties involved. This learn-by-doing workshop is designed to build and enhance the specific technical skills required by HR and pension benefits professionals in the context of a pension plan member’s marriage breakdown.

Federal Government Launches Public Consultation on Proposed Changes to Harassment and Violence Provisions of the Canada Labour Code

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) has launched a public consultation on the proposed regulatory framework to be implemented in support of Bill C-65, An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (harassment and violence), the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and the Budget Implementation Act, 2017, No. 1. Bill C-65 was tabled in…