Successfully argued that, in meeting its obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and collective agreement provisions regarding health and safety, the employer (paramedic service) was correct in exercising its management rights to determine the appropriate safety equipment to be utilized.

Successfully argued that, in meeting its obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and collective agreement provisions regarding health and safety, the employer (paramedic service) was correct in exercising its management rights to determine the appropriate safety equipment to be utilized.

Successfully argued to uphold the termination of a firefighter for serious misconduct related to pornography in the workplace by establishing that, notwithstanding expert evidence to establish that the grievor suffered from a disability, there was no clear connection between the disability and the workplace misconduct sufficient to overturn the termination of employment.

Successfully argued to uphold the termination of a firefighter for serious misconduct related to pornography in the workplace by establishing that, notwithstanding expert evidence to establish that the grievor suffered from a disability, there was no clear connection between the disability and the workplace misconduct sufficient to overturn the termination of employment.

Daryl Seupersad

Daryl has developed a specialized practice in advising and representing employers with their workers’ compensation claims management and appeals.

Highlights of the 2024 Federal Budget and Budget Bill

On May 2, 2024, the federal government introduced Bill C-69, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 16, 2024, for first reading. Bill C-69 contains legislation that, if passed, would enact certain measures outlined in the 2024 Budget, “Fairness for Every Generation” (Budget) that was previously tabled on…

Ontario Introduces Working for Workers Five Act, 2024

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Important Amendments Made to the Temporary Help Agency and Recruiter Licensing Framework in Ontario

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