
OCA Upholds Termination Clause in Employment Contract

In a recent decision, Dimson v. KTI Kanatek Technologies Inc., the Court of Appeal for Ontario found that the termination provision in an employment contract was enforceable and did not violate the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”). At issue were the following contract provisions: Section 18 (c) In addition, [the employer] may terminate this Agreement…

Case In Point

Alberta Court of Appeal Upholds Conviction in Calf-Roping Machine Case

In its decision Alberta v. XI Technologies Inc., the Alberta Court of Appeal upheld the conviction of XI Technologies in relation to the death of an employee who was operating a faulty calf-roping machine at an employer hosted-event, concluding that the employer failed to do all that was reasonably practicable to avoid the foreseeable risks…

Human Resources Legislative Update

Regulatory Amendments Relating to Independent Health Facilities Proposed

The Ontario government has proposed an amendment to O. Reg. 264/07 (General) made under the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006 (“LHSIA”). The proposed regulation would make independent health facilities (“IHFs”) prescribed health service providers for the purpose of the LHSIA. Subject to certain specified exceptions, an IHF is defined in the Independent Health Facilities…


The Duty to Accommodate and Poor Workplace Performance

What happens when an employee with physical restrictions is placed in a position consistent with those restrictions and provided with sufficient training, but is unable to perform the functions of that position? An Ontario arbitrator recently found that an employee’s inability to perform in such a position was unrelated to her disability, and that she…


Mandatory Retirement Upheld for Suppression Fire Fighters: HRTO Clarifies Accommodation Obligations

In its recent decision, Corrigan v. Mississauga (City), the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (“HRTO”) considered whether a municipal employer had a positive obligation to consider requests for individual exceptions to the mandatory retirement policy of age 60 for suppression fire fighters and to work with those fire fighters to develop a medical fitness testing…


The Ontario Court of Appeal Confirms Pension Assignments must be “Clear and Unambiguous”

In a marriage breakdown situation where family assets are being valued and/or divided, a member’s workplace pension entitlements are often the most significant asset. To settle the property issues, a member and his or her spouse may agree that the member will assign an interest in the member’s benefit to the spouse. Unfortunately, it is…

Case In Point

Dismissals Under the Canada Labour Code

In a recent decision, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited v. Wilson, the Federal Court considered the unjust dismissal provision of the Canada Labour Code (“Code”) and concluded that it does not prohibit federally regulated employers from conducting without cause dismissals. This decision arose out of an unjust dismissal complaint under section 240 of the Code….


OHRC Develops Policy on Removing the “Canadian Experience” Barrier for Job Applicants

The Ontario Human Rights Commission (“OHRC”) recently posted a new policy directive entitled “Policy on Removing the “Canadian experience” barrier” which sets out the Commission’s position as follows: . . . a strict requirement for “Canadian experience” is prima facie discrimination (discrimination on its face) and can only be used in very limited circumstances. The…

Case In Point

OCA Affirms Termination Clause in Employment Contract Does Not Violate ESA

The Court of Appeal for Ontario has upheld a motion judge’s finding that a termination provision in an employment contract was not an attempt to contract out of the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”). In Dimson v. KTI Kanatek Technologies Inc., the plaintiff had been terminated and in accordance with his employment contract, he was…