School Board Update

Drummond Commission Reports on Elementary and Secondary Education Reform

On February 15, 2012, the Commission on the Reform of Ontario’s Public Services (the “Commission”) released its long-awaited, 543-page report (the “Report”, commonly referred to as the “Drummond Report”) which identifies sweeping reform measures aimed at increasing efficiencies within the broader public service. In our companion FTR Now, The Drummond Report – Impact on the…

Human Resources Legislative Update

BPS Solvency Funding Relief Regulation Amended

On February 17, 2012, the Ontario government filed an amendment to O. Reg. 178/11 (Solvency Funding Relief For Certain Public Sector Pension Plans) under the Pension Benefits Act. O. Reg. 12/12 prescribes those plans that have successfully applied for and, are receiving, solvency funding relief under O. Reg. 178/11. The Regulation is now in force….

Human Resources Legislative Update

Drummond Commission Reports on Public Service Reform

On February 15, 2012, the Commission on the Reform of Ontario’s Public Services (“Commission”) chaired by Don Drummond released its long-awaited report (“Drummond Report”) identifying wide-ranging reform measures aimed at increasing efficiencies within the broader public service. In June of 2011, the Ontario government tasked the Commission with the examination of its service delivery models,…


Super Priority for CCAA Charges Granted Preference Over Pension Deficits

On February 2, 2012, in On Re Timminco, the Commercial Court granted an order for “super priority” for an Administration Charge ($1,000,000) and Directors’ and Officers’ Charge ($400,000) in preference to other encumbrances, including pension deficits in Timminco’s pension plans (aggregate deficit is in excess of $11,000,000). Justice Morawetz found that federal insolvency legislation, specifically…

Human Resources Legislative Update

Federal Pooled Registered Pension Plan (“PRPP”) Legislation Referred to Committee

On February 1, 2012, Bill C-25, An Act relating to pooled registered pension plans and making related amendments to other Acts passed at Second Reading in the House of Commons, and was referred to the Standing Committee on Finance. As previously reported, Bill C-25 is new legislation implementing the framework for federally regulated PRPPs, and…

Raising the Bar

Raising the Bar – First Edition

On behalf of the Litigation Practice Group at Hicks Morley, we are delighted to introduce the inaugural issue of Raising the Bar. Our goal is to provide you with timely information and analysis about the key litigation-related legal developments that will have an impact on employers. Our focus is squarely on giving you the practical…


AODA Emergency Preparedness Guides and Compliance Reporting Tool Now Available

As we reported in our November 17, 2011 FTR Now “Are You Prepared for the AODA?,” private and not-for-profit sector organizations in Ontario with at least one employee were subject to a January 1, 2012 deadline to comply with the Customer Service Standards as well as the two emergency preparedness requirements under the Integrated Accessibility…


Federal Court of Appeal Interprets Term “Fixed or Ascertainable” for CPP Purposes

On November 16, 2011, the Federal Court of Appeal (“FCA”) released its decision in Minister of National Revenue v. Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario (“HMQ”). The FCA’s decision overturns the January 17, 2011 decision of the Tax Court of Canada (“Tax Court”) in which it had held that per diem amounts paid…