Defeated a grievance in which the grievor claimed an entitlement to sick pay benefits during a period of absence for which her claim for WSIB benefits was denied.

Successfully argued before Divisional Court to quash an arbitration award in the Colleges sector that would have allowed 1200 grievances to proceed.

Successfully argued on behalf of a large steel mill that the union’s unreasonable conduct meant that no compensation should be awarded to an employee.

Successfully defended a financial institution in the first appellate level decision in Canada addressing the Canada Labour Code’s jurisdictional provision in an unjust dismissal and human rights case.

Acted as co-counsel at all levels from arbitration to the Supreme Court of Canada on a teacher termination case concerning conduct demonstrating that the teacher could not discharge the duty to inculcate by precept and example the named virtues of Judeo-Christian morality.

Represented a technology company on appeal in overturning an award of punitive and aggravated damages and reducing a reasonable notice award.

Obtained an injunction on behalf of a municipality imposing limits on strike picketing at facilities hosting the World Junior Hockey Championships.

Represented an outsourcing company to obtain an Anton Piller order without notice permitting search of residence of departing employee and seizure of client confidential documents and data.

Obtained an injunction on behalf of a school board overturning athletic association decisions disqualifying an intercollegiate soccer team from competition at provincial championships.

Successfully represented a school board in the judicial review of an arbitrator’s decision addressing retirement gratuities.