Successfully represented employer at Court of Appeal for Ontario in appeal relating to employer’s ability to terminate employee without cause.

Successfully defended a major energy employer in judicial review application which sought to reverse decision of arbitrator dismissing grievance concerning significant benefits issue.

Successfully defended a large retailer in a wrongful dismissal action brought by a senior executive.

Successfully represented an Ontario municipality in a judicial review application relating to a human rights tribunal decision on the issue of mandatory retirement for firefighters.

Successfully defended an international trucking manufacturer in a proposed class action resulting from an Ontario plant closure.

Successfully defended a financial institution in a proposed overtime class action brought by investment advisors and counsel to a financial institution in a national “off the clock” class action.

Successful in arguing that the benefits available under province-wide collective agreement can be pro-rated for new hires in first year of employment.

Successful in representing a financial institution in achieving dismissal of an unjust dismissal complaint where the applicant falsified email evidence.

Acted for an employer in a class action and related negotiation used to obtain court approval of a surplus sharing agreement in the face of difficult trust language.

Represented an employer in negotiations to transform a single-employer pension plan into a jointly sponsored pension plan, requiring agreement with the union on joint governance, solvency funding relief, employer contribution limits and benefit modifications.