Federal Post – Third Edition

Along with the arrival of spring, we are pleased to bring you the first Federal Post edition of 2016, our newsletter designed exclusively for federally regulated employers…

Countdown to ORPP: Ontario Tables New Implementation Legislation

Long-awaited Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP) legislation was introduced on Thursday, April 14, 2016, which, if passed in its present form, will provide the statutory framework and timeline for full ORPP implementation by January 1, 2020…

Ontario Budget Bill 2016 Passes

On April 13, 2016, the Ontario government passed Bill 173, Jobs for Today and Tomorrow Act (Budget Measures), 2016, omnibus legislation giving effect to initiatives contained in the Ontario Budget 2016. See our FTR Now of February 29, 2016, Ontario Budget 2016, for a detailed discussion of those initiatives of interest to employers, human resources professionals and…

Qualified Foreign Pension Fund Exemptions for Certain U.S. Investment Offerings

Canadian pension funds are continually seeking investment opportunities abroad with a view to diversifying their portfolio and maximizing risk-adjusted returns. Offerings of investments in U.S. real estate and infrastructure projects will likely increase as a result of recent U.S. legal reforms which aim to attract foreign investment in these areas. Under the U.S. Foreign Investment in Real…

Ontario Proposes Elimination of the “30% Rule” for Pension Investment

Further to announcements made in its 2015 Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review, the Ontario government is soliciting feedback on proposed regulatory reforms that would eliminate the current investment rule that prohibits plan administrators from making investments that result in pension funds owning more than 30% of the voting shares of a corporation. The so-called “30% rule”…

2016 Ontario Budget and Budget Bill Released

On February 25, 2016, the Ontario government tabled its 2016 Budget “Jobs for Today and Tomorrow” (“Budget”) and the corresponding Budget Bill, Bill 173, Jobs for Today and Tomorrow Act (Budget Measures), 2016 (“Bill 173”), supporting omnibus legislation designed to implement some of the proposals contained in the Budget. Our FTR Now of February 29, 2016, “Ontario Budget 2016”…