Advised and represented hospitals and private sector employers on various pandemic-related issues.
We offer legal services that include advice, courtroom and tribunal advocacy, negotiation, alternative dispute resolution, policy development and strategic planning. Below are examples of work we have performed for our clients.
Successfully represented an employer in a summary hearing before the human rights tribunal and had the application dismissed.
Assisted in successfully defending a municipal-sector client against a human rights claim alleging that a bargaining unit member was discriminated against.
Successfully defended a university before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario involving claims of age-discrimination.
Successfully defended a tech company against allegations of disability discrimination and failure to accommodate.
Successfully represented a client in the healthcare sector in the dismissal of a claim before the Human Rights Tribunal.
Successfully represented a school board in having an employee’s human rights complaint for discrimination based on race and related grounds dismissed in its entirety after a full hearing.
Currently representing several school board clients in responding to both employment and service-based HRTO applications.
Successfully represented an employer before the Divisional Court on an appeal involving issues of frustration of contract and the duty to accommodate.
Successfully resisted appeals seeking entitlement for CPD and psychotraumatic disability in a medically complex case.