247 Results

Further Measures Announced in Relation to COVID-19

Late last week, the Ontario government amended a number of measures already introduced in light of COVID-19. It updated the “COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool” to include an expanded list of symptoms for which self-isolation is required. It made further orders under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act regarding health care, an expanded list of essential workers eligible for child care and seasonal campgrounds. The federal government provided more information on initiatives already underway, including with respect to the eligibility requirements for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB).

Emergency Orders Made Regarding Municipal Work Deployment and Staffing in Light of COVID-19

On April 16, 2020, the provincial government made an Order under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA), O. Reg. 157/20 Work Deployment Measure for Municipalities, which authorizes municipalities to take any reasonably necessary measures with respect to work redeployment and staffing in order to prevent, reduce or mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on a specific list of critical municipal services (Critical Services).

Ontario Legislation Extends Time Limit for Student Expulsions

Bill 189, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Support and Protection Act, 2020 received Royal Assent on April 14, 2020 (Bill 189). Among other things, Bill 189 amends the Education Act (Act) to extend the time limit to expel a student where such an extension is recommended to, and granted by, the Director of Education.

Emergency Order Issued Which Relates to Service Agencies Providing Violence Against Women Residential Services and Crisis Line Services

On April 15, 2020, the Ontario government issued an Order under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) that applies to service agencies funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, and which provide (1) residential or emergency residential services under the Violence Against Women Support Services program or the Anti-Human Trafficking Community Supports program, or (2) provincial crisis line services under the Violence Against Women Support Services program. The Order applies for the duration of the declared emergency under the EMCPA.

Federally Regulated DB Pension Plans Given Temporary Relief as a Result of COVID-19

On April 15, 2020, the federal government announced that, effective immediately, it is providing temporary relief to sponsors of federally regulated defined benefit (DB) pension plans, in light of the pandemic’s negative effect on the economy and the resulting financial constraints faced by many sponsors. For the remainder of 2020, there will be a moratorium…

COVID-19 and Long-Term Care – Ontario Government Imposes “Single-Employer” Rule for Long-Term Care Employees

On April 14, 2020, the Ontario government issued an Emergency Order (Order) pursuant to the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) which relates specifically to staffing issues in Ontario’s long-term care sector. The Order, O. Reg. 146/20, Limiting Work to a Single Long-Term Care Home, creates immediate obligations for both long-term care employers and employees working in long-term care homes. Once the requirements of the Order are met, the Order will effectively impose a “single-employer” rule for employees in this sector, preventing them from working for more than one Health Service Provider or retirement home until the Order is lifted.

Federal Wage Subsidy Legislation Passed

On April 11, 2020, Bill C-14, the COVID-19 Emergency Response Act, No. 2, (Bill C-14), received Royal Assent after another emergency session of Parliament. Bill C-14 enacts the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS). It includes new details about which employers are eligible, and the calculation of gross revenue and the subsidy. On the same date, the federal government also updated its backgrounder describing the CEWS, reflecting the final form of the legislation.