Solvency Funding Exemptions Extended Through 2017

On November 7, 2014, the Ontario government filed O. Reg. 207/14, amending O. Reg. 177/11 (as amended by O. Reg. 330/12) which amended Regulation 909 (General) made under the Pension Benefits Act. As previously reported, the definition of “solvency concerns” sets out the circumstances under which defined benefit pension plans are required to file annual actuarial valuations (instead of triennially)….

Alberta Introduces Significant Pension Reforms Effective September 1, 2014

On July 22, 2014, the government of Alberta passed the supporting regulations to the province’s new Employment Pension Plans Act (the “EPPA”), legislation enacted in December 2012 following recommendations from a 2008 report by the Alberta and British Columbia Joint Expert Panel on Pension Standards regarding pension reform in those two provinces. The new EPPA…

FSCO Consultation on Proposed Investment Guidance Note (Prudent Investment Practices for Derivatives)

On October 24, 2014, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (“FSCO”) published a new proposed Investment Guidance Note in respect of Prudent Investment Practices for Derivatives (“Derivatives Guidance Note”). Once finalized, the Derivatives Guidance Note will provide plan administrators detailed guidance with respect to prudent investment practices related to derivatives. The Derivatives Guidance Note sets out…

Ontario Releases Proposed PBA Regulations for Consultation

This past Spring, the Ontario government released proposed amendments to Regulation 909 (the “Regulations”) of the Pension Benefits Act (“PBA”) in respect of four previously announced pension reform initiatives (“April Proposals”). The April Proposals – which described the content of the proposed changes to the Regulations – are summarized in our FTR Now of April…

FSCO Consultation on Proposed Investment Guidance Notes (Buy-In Annuities)

On October 7, 2014, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (“FSCO”) announced that it will be publishing Investment Guidance Notes (“Guidance Notes”) with respect to various investment activities of Ontario registered pension plans. The Guidance Notes will set out FSCO’s expectations and identify issues that plan administrators should consider and address in respect of the…

Disclosure Reforms and New Defined Contribution Payment Option for Federally Regulated Pension Plans

On September 19, 2014, the federal government released proposed amendments to the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985 (“PBSR”). Proposals relating to the pension investment rules that apply more broadly – to federally regulated pension plans[1] as well as pension plans that are regulated by the provincial pension legislation in Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland…

Five PRPP-Licenced Insurers Now Registered for Implementation

On October 7, 2014, the federal government announced that the following five insurance companies have been given licences under the federal Pooled Registered Pension Plan (“PRPP”) framework and have been registered with the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions and the Canada Revenue Agency: Sun Life, Great West Life, Manulife, Standard Life and Industrial-Alliance….

Ontario Proposes Pension Regulations

On October 3, 2014, the Ontario government published proposed amendments (“Proposed Amendments”) to Regulation 909 of the Pension Benefits Act (“PBA”) that incorporate stakeholder feedback received in response to proposed amendments first published on April 25, 2014, as previously discussed. The government is inviting comments from stakeholders on the following new Proposed Amendments: Statements for…

Proposed Investment Rule Changes for Registered Pension Plans

On September 19, 2014, the Department of Finance Canada released proposed amendments to the federal Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985 (“PBSR”). The proposed amendments would modernize the pension investment rules applicable to pension plans registered in many Canadian jurisdictions. Specifically, these changes will, if adopted as drafted, impact the investments that are permitted to be…

Long-Awaited Federal Pension Regulations are Proposed

On September 19, 2014, the federal government released long-awaited regulations for public comment that would, if adopted as drafted, implement significant reforms to the current framework governing federally-regulated private pension plans. Investment-related reforms will also have implications for Ontario regulated pension plans, and for pension plans regulated by other provinces where such jurisdictions have adopted…