Successfully represented a hospital on multiple grievances relating to breaches of the collective agreement.

Regularly represents municipal clients in various litigation matters.

Successfully moved for summary judgment on a financial institution’s counter-claim regarding repayment of an outstanding loan in a wrongful dismissal action.

Successfully argued that an employer’s use of personal data in a legal proceeding was not a breach of existing privacy law.

On behalf of universities, successfully defended wrongful dismissal and constructive dismissal claims by senior administration alleging harassment and systemic discrimination.

Successfully defended an appeal of a summary judgement motion for unpaid invoices for a temporary staffing company.

Successfully defended a school board client in a WSIAT appeal involving entitlement to benefits for mild traumatic brain injury.

Successfully resolved litigation before the Ontario Labour Relations Board on behalf of a social services client.

Ongoing representation to private, public, and municipal sector in disability benefits/accommodation litigation.

Successful in having a proposed class proceeding dismissed on jurisdiction and limitations grounds in the Ontario Court of Appeal, on behalf of several corporate and individual clients.