Ontario Announces Financial Incentives For “Safe Employers”

On November 22, 2019, the government of Ontario unveiled Supporting Ontario’s Safe Employers. This is an initiative which will formally recognize and provide financial incentives to employers who have successfully implemented an occupational health and safety management system in their workplace. Ontario’s Chief Prevention Officer will accredit successful employers. The government states that this program…

WSIA “Employment Function” Mental Stress Exclusion Considered by Appellate Court

In Ontario Public Service Employees Union v. The Crown in Right of Ontario (Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services), the Divisional Court recently overturned a 2017 Grievance Settlement Board (GSB) decision that found the grievor’s right to a workplace free of harassment had been violated but that it had no jurisdiction to award damages…

Federal Government Tables 2019 Budget Bill

On April 8, 2019, the federal government introduced Bill C-97, Budget Implementation Act, 2019, No. 1, for first reading. Bill C-97 is omnibus legislation enacting certain measures outlined in the 2019 Federal Budget. Below are some of the key amendments of interest to employers, pension plan administrators and human resources professionals.

Ontario Budget 2019: Protecting What Matters Most – Key Human Resources Highlights

On April 11, 2019, the Ontario government tabled its 2019 Budget, Protecting What Matters Most (Budget), and introduced supporting implementation legislation, Bill 100, the Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100).

The Budget outlines key initiatives around broader public sector compensation, reforms within the healthcare sector, registered pension plans, freedom of information, and more. In this FTR Now, we highlight the proposals that are of particular interest to employers, benefits plan administrators and human resources professionals.

Appellate Court Finds Preferential Treatment of WSIB Claimants in Workplace Not Discriminatory

The Ontario Divisional Court recently released Carter v. FCA Canada Inc and Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, a decision which affirms that differential treatment between employees with work-related injuries and employees with non-work-related injuries is not discriminatory under the Ontario Human Rights Code (Code). The applicant, who had a non-work-related injury, sought to return to…

Appellate Court Upholds GSB Decision that Appropriate Jurisdiction to Adjudicate Mental Stress Claim is under WSIA

The Divisional Court has upheld a decision of the Grievance Settlement Board (Board) that found that it did not have jurisdiction to award damages as a remedy for grievances alleging workplace bullying and harassment as the alleged injuries would be compensable under the Workplace Safety and Insurance, 1997 (WSIA). In Ontario Public Service Employees Union…

Appellate Court Upholds Finding that Injured Worker who Returned to Full-Time Work Entitled to Receive 100% FEL Benefits to Age 65

In Hydro Ottawa v. Ontario (Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal), the Divisional Court has upheld a decision of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (Tribunal) that concluded an injured worker remained entitled to his 100% future economic loss (FEL) benefits until age 65 despite the fact he returned to full-time work in 2013….

FTR Quarterly – Issue 12

In This Issue: Year in Review – Key Human Resources Law Developments of 2018, The Road Ahead: Human Resources Trends and Issues to Watch in 2019 and more!