Successfully defended a hospital against a human rights application brought by a current employee alleging discrimination on the basis of race.
We offer legal services that include advice, courtroom and tribunal advocacy, negotiation, alternative dispute resolution, policy development and strategic planning. Below are examples of work we have performed for our clients.
Defended a human rights application asserting systemic racial discrimination on the part of the school board.
Obtained a preliminary dismissal of a grievance on the grounds that the grievor’s alleged religious observances did not attract the protections of the Human Rights Code.
Successfully argued for the summary dismissal of a human rights proceeding brought against a school board.
Represented a retail employer to successfully oppose broadening of a human rights application to seek a form of accommodation not required by the Human Rights Code.
Successfully defended a college in a claim brought by a former student alleging discrimination on the basis of disability.
Successfully defended a municipal client’s by-law services department in a human rights claim where the applicant claimed racial discrimination in relation to ongoing by-law concerns on his property.
Successfully defended a school board at labour arbitration in a case involving its denial of an employee’s request to take a paid “religious Holy Day” in order to attend a religious convention.
Lead counsel to a client with a matter proceeding to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario related to transgender issues.
Successfully defended a municipality’s decision to award a job vacancy to a disabled employee rather than a more senior bargaining unit employee based on Human Rights Code obligations.