895 Results

ORPP: Ontario Government Announces Implementation Details

Editor’s Note: Following publication of this communication, the Ontario government announced that the first wave of ORPP implementation will be delayed by one year to January 1, 2018. Please be sure to read our FTR Now of February 17, 2016 for updated information on this significant development, or contact your regular Hicks Morley lawyer for…

Ontario Government Announces ORPP Implementation Details

On August 11, 2015, the Ontario government released new details about the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (“ORPP”) and its implementation. As previously reported, the ORPP was announced in the 2014 Ontario Budget. A consultation paper entitled “Ontario Retirement Pension Plan: Key Design Questions” was released in December, 2014 for public comment. In particular, the paper…

Union Financial Disclosure Bill Receives Royal Assent

On June 30, 2015, Bill C-377, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (requirements for labour organizations), received Royal Assent. Bill C-377, a private member’s bill, requires unions to file certain financial information with the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) within six months from the end of each fiscal period. Among other things, information to…

Draft Regulations Governing Transfers and Conversions to JSPPs under Sections 80.4 and 81.0.1 of Pension Benefits Act Published

On June 26, 2015, the Ontario government published draft regulations (the “Draft Regulations”) setting out the proposed rules governing the merger or conversion of single employer pension plans (“SEPPs”) to jointly sponsored pension plans (“JSPPs”) in the broader public sector (“BPS”). The draft regulations will support sections 80.4 and 81.0.1 of the Pension Benefits Act…

New Police Record Checks Reforms Introduced

On June 3, 2015, the Ontario government introduced Bill 113, the Police Record Checks Reform Act, 2015, legislation that would, if passed, implement a new process governing requests for searches of the Canadian Police Information Centre databases, or other police databases, in connection with screening an individual for certain purposes. Among other things, the Bill would: authorize…

Ontario Government to Amend Workplace Laws

On May 28, 2015, the Ontario government introduced Bill 109, the Employment and Labour Statute Law Amendment Act, 2015, proposed legislation intended to effect a number of changes to workplace laws, including: the labour relations provisions of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 ("FPPA"); the Public Sector Labour Relations Transition Act, 1997 ("PSLRTA"); and…

Ontario Passes PRPP Legislation

On May 26, 2015, Bill 57, the Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act, 2015, passed Third Reading, as amended by the Standing Committee on Social Policy. The Bill, which is awaiting Royal Assent, will come into force on a date to be named by proclamation. As we previously reported, pooled registered pension plans (“PRPPs”) are a…

Reaching Out – Eighth Edition

Dear Friends, Before everyone becomes distracted by the beautiful weather and blooming flowers, we wanted to provide you with our Spring Edition of Reaching Out. We hope that it will give you some valuable information that you can put to good use during the hazy days of summer. Leanne N. Fisher, an Associate in our…

Changes to the Federal Pension Investment Rules

In March 2015, the federal government published final regulations amending investment rules under the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985 (“Regulations”). These reforms apply to federally registered pension plans and to pension plans registered in provincial jurisdictions that have adopted Schedule III of the Regulations, as amended (the “Federal Investment Rules” or “FIR”). As we previously…