Argued successfully on behalf of a college for the dismissal of an application for judicial review of a Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario decision.

Argued successfully for the dismissal of a human rights application on the basis that the application had no reasonable prospect of success as a result of delay and the applicant’s inability to rely on statements made during mediation.

Successfully defended a hospital against a psychiatrist’s claim of racial discrimination.

Successfully defended a financial institution in the first appellate level decision in Canada addressing the Canada Labour Code’s jurisdictional provision in an unjust dismissal and human rights case.

Advises employers and service providers on the challenges of accommodating individuals who wish to consume medical marijuana.

Has successfully argued numerous motions for a wide variety of public and private sector organizations striking out human rights applications in their entirety.

Successfully defended police service boards against claims of racial profiling and discrimination brought by members of the public.

Successfully defended a public district school board in a claim of racial discrimination by an educational assistant.

Have obtained judgments at Summary Hearing before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario dismissing applications in advance of hearings on the merits.

Successfully defended a university and a municipality in various human rights litigation alleging a failure to accommodate disability and family status in employment.