892 Results

Helping Families in Need Act Awaiting Royal Assent

On December 12, 2012, Bill C-44, Helping Families in Need Act, passed Third Reading in the Senate and is now awaiting Royal Assent. As previously reported, Bill C-44 will, among other things, make certain amendments to the Canada Labour Code regarding an employee’s right to take leave if his or her child is critically ill…

Federal Budget Bill (C-45) Passes Third Reading

On December 5, 2012, Bill C-45, Jobs and Growth Act, 2012, passed Third Reading in the House of Commons and will proceed to the Senate for debate. As previously reported, Bill C-45 is the federal government’s second omnibus budget bill which, if passed, will give effect to certain initiatives contained in its Budget 2012. For…

Non-Construction Employers and the Construction Industry Provisions of the Labour Relations Act

Employers that are bound to a construction collective agreement and that do not operate within the construction industry find themselves, from time to time, involved in some kind of construction activity. It is important that these employers are aware that in certain cases, their construction activities may keep them within the construction industry provisions of…

Bill Requiring Disclosure of Information by Labour Organizations Reported Back to House of Commons

On November 27, 2012, Bill C-377, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (requirements for labour organizations), was deemed reported without amendment back to the House of Commons from the Standing Committee on Finance. As previously reported, Bill C-377 is a private member’s bill which, if passed, will amend the Income Tax Act to…

Federal Budget Bill Reported Back to House of Commons

On November 26, 2012, Bill C-45, Jobs and Growth Act, 2012, was reported back to the House of Commons from the Standing Committee on Finance without amendment. As previously reported, Bill C-45 is the federal government’s second omnibus Bill which, if passed, will give effect to certain initiatives contained in its Budget 2012. For more…

Federal Committee Considers Bill Requiring Disclosure of Information by Labour Organizations

On November 7, 2012, Bill C-377, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (Requirements for labour organizations) was considered before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. Bill C-377 is a private member’s bill which, if passed, will amend the Income Tax Act to require labour organizations to file a public information return…

The CBA National Labour and Employment Law Section Newsletter Publishes Article by Julia Nanos

An article by Hicks Morley’s Julia Nanos was published in the November 2012 issue of The CBA National Labour and Employment Law Section Newsletter. In the article entitled, “‘Non-construction employer’ declaration provision of Ontario’s Labour Relations Act, 1995 does not infringe the Charter: ONCA”, Julia comments on a recent Ontario Court of Appeal decision concerning…