The federal government has fixed March 1, 2013 as the day Division 7 Part 4, sections 304 to 308 and 310 to 312 and sections 685 and 687 to 695 of the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act (“JGLPA”) come into force. Division 7 Part 4 of the JGLPA consolidates the Privacy Codes of the…
Industry: Municipalities & Municipal Agencies
British Columbia Introduces PRPP Legislation
On February 28, 2013, the government of British Columbia introduced Bill 16, Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act. If passed, Bill 16 would authorize pooled registered pension plans (“PRPPs”) to be made available to provincially-regulated employees and self-employed persons in British Columbia, subject to the requirements set out in the federal Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act…
Accommodating Childcare Needs: Understanding Your Obligations
In a recent edition of FTR Now, we reported on two significant Federal Court decisions, Johnstone v. Canada and Seeley v. Canadian National Railway, which confirmed that employers have an obligation to accommodate their employees’ childcare needs. Since the date that FTR Now was published, these two decisions have continued to generate a considerable amount…
Rules Amending Federal Courts Rules Registered
On February 8, 2013, the federal government registered Rules Amending the Federal Courts Rules (“Rules”). The Rules are the result of a consultation process and are housekeeping in nature. Among other things, the Rules give greater flexibility to the Chief Justice to schedule motions days, specify formatting requirements for documents, set out exceptions to general…
Regulation under Section 80.1 of the Pension Benefits Act Proposed
The Ontario government has proposed a new regulation relating to pension asset transfers made under section 80.1 of the Pension Benefits Act (“Act”). Proposed content for this regulation was previously posted for consultation in July 2011. This regulation is required before section 80.1 of the Act comes into effect. Once proclaimed into force, that section…
Court of Appeal for Ontario Clarifies Obligation to Report Injuries to Non-Workers
The recent Blue Mountain Resorts decision of the Court of Appeal for Ontario has clarified the circumstances in which employers are required to report a critical injury or fatality suffered by a non-worker under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”). This FTR Now reviews the decision and its implications for employers. BACKGROUND On December…
Carrigan v. Carrigan Estate Update: Ontario Pension Regulator Supports Common-Law Spouse’s Appeal
As first discussed in our FTR Now of November 7, 2012 “Ontario Court of Appeal Decision Rewrites the Pension Pre-Retirement Death Benefit Regime“, the decision in Carrigan v. Carrigan Estate fundamentally altered the interpretation of spousal rights and priorities relating to payment of pre-retirement death benefits. The Court of Appeal awarded the pre-retirement death benefit payable under…
Nortel Pension Plans Regulation Filed
On January 15, 2013, the Ontario government filed O. Reg. 10/13, Nortel Pension Plans, made under the Pension Benefits Act (“Act”) In May 2011, the Act was amended to allow all pensioners of two specified Nortel Networks pension plans to transfer the commuted value of their benefits out of the plans. O. Reg. 10/13 prescribes…
Algoma Steel Pension Plan Regulation Amended
On January 11, 2013, the Ontario government filed O. Reg. 7/13, amending O. Reg. 202/02 “Algoma Steel Inc. Pension Plans” made under the Pension Benefits Act. The regulation is effective as of the date of filing. It makes a number of housekeeping amendments to O. Reg. 202/02 by changing the name “Algoma Steel Inc.” to…
Preparing for Canada’s New Anti-Spam Legislation
Canada’s new anti-spam legislation is coming soon. Commonly referred to as “CASL”, the new legislation will impose strict obligations that apply to a range of business emails and other electronic communications that you might not consider to be “spam”. All businesses, even those without formal email marketing programs, should assess their potential exposure to CASL…