Successfully defeated certification in proposed class actions brought by employees against a large public sector organization alleging asbestos exposure (upheld on appeal).

Successfully defeated certification in proposed class actions brought by employees claiming entitlement to overtime pay against a large financial institution (upheld on appeal).

Successfully defeated certification in proposed class actions brought by employees regarding claims for employment standards payments following a plant closure, based on a jurisdictional motion (upheld on appeal).

Successfully defeated certification in proposed class actions brought by employees in Ontario and Quebec alleging mass constructive dismissal (upheld on appeal).

Successfully argued a dismissal of a human rights claim on behalf of a manufacturing client based on expiration of the limitation period.

Successfully argued a jurisdictional dispute on behalf of a federally regulated transportation client.

Counsel to financial services institutions in respect of all their dismissal-related matters, including those that proceed to court.

Successfully argued before the Information and Privacy Commissioner on behalf of a school board that text message data created on employer-issued phones but stored on third party servers fell outside the custody and control of an institution under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Successfully represented numerous federally regulated employers in unjust dismissal complaints under the Canada Labour Code.

Argued successfully on behalf of a college for the dismissal of an application for judicial review of a Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario decision.