Counsel to university boards and municipal councils on executive hiring and terminations.
We offer legal services that include advice, courtroom and tribunal advocacy, negotiation, alternative dispute resolution, policy development and strategic planning. Below are examples of work we have performed for our clients.
Counsel for university on appeal to Court of Appeal dismissing action brought by a faculty association.
Regularly assists clients in reviewing and revising internal policies, handbooks, and workplace contracts.
Lead counsel to multinational and national hotel chains and to hotel management companies in connection with all matters related to the workplace and guest complaints under all provincial legislation. Instrumental in negotiating collective agreements that exert major influence on the hospitality industry across the country.
Represented a professional firm through an extensive restructuring resulting in a mass termination.
Successfully represented a professional sports league in having the B.C. Superior Court, the B.C. Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada (leave to appeal denied) dismiss a former player’s concussion claim.
Successfully upheld the decision of a large public sector employer to dismiss a long-term employee for sexual harassment in the workplace.
Counsel to various companies in connection with the labour and employment aspects regarding the sale of their businesses.
Counsel to a national media and communications company in respect of all of its employment and labour-related matters.
Guided several major financial institutions though extensive restructurings and mass terminations.