OsgoodePD’s annual program brings together legal, healthcare, mental health, education and law enforcement professionals for a comprehensive one-day update of essential, current and emerging issues in mental health law for children and youth, together with practical legal advice on how to deal with them.
Practice Area: Human Rights
Ontario Association of Paramedic Chiefs (OAPC): 2022 Spring Education and Labour Relations Symposium
The 2022 OAPC Spring Education and Labour Relations Symposium will be taking place in person and online this year.
Ontario Municipal Human Resources Association (OMHRA) Inclusive Society and the New Employer Webinar Series: Investigating Harassment Claims and Litigating Harassment Claims
The occurrence of inappropriate conduct in the workplace can have a detrimental effect on the workplace as a whole and can lead to serious implications for municipalities and their human resources professionals.
Law Society of Ontario: 11th Human Rights Summit: #MeToo – Where Are We Now: How are Workplace Harassment Investigations Being Conducted?
In the Law Society of Ontario’s annual program, leading practitioners, adjudicators, and human rights workers provide updates on the year’s important developments through interactive, fast-paced, moderated panel discussions.
Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs (OAFC): 2023 Labour Relations Seminar
In this three-day labour relations seminar, we—along with fire chiefs from across the country and renowned guest speakers—will provide insight and guidance on a wide range of labour relations issues currently impacting the fire service.
2023 OPSBA Annual General Meeting & Program: Keynote Address: Human Rights and Equity Priorities for School Boards: A Matter of Opinion?
What if a school board trustee disagrees with the requirements of the Ontario Human Rights Code? Are human rights a matter of opinion? In her keynote address on June 10, Njeri Damali Sojourner-Campbell will discuss human rights and equity priorities for school boards.
34th Annual Schedule 2 Employers Group Conference: Leading the Way: Inspiring a Healthy Workplace
The Schedule 2 Employers Group annual industry conference gathers Schedule 2 employers from across Ontario to learn about current issues and new advancements in the fields of workers’ compensation, disability management, employee wellness, and workplace health and safety.
Provincial Network on Developmental Services: 2023 DS HR Forum
As one of the featured lawyers speaking at the forum, Charles Hofley will discuss key topics in HR including artificial intelligence, bargaining trends and current labour relations, arbitration and human rights issues in the developmental services sector.
Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) Grand Valley: Managing Your Disability Management Program
In this session, Glenn Christie will provide an overview of relevant case law and legislation. He will be joined by Certified Disability Management Professional Tara Beaton who will provide practical tips for managing disabilities in the workplace.
York Region District School Board (YRDSB) Equity Symposium 2023: Keynote Address
In her keynote speech at YRDSB’s Equity Symposium on November 22, Njeri Damali Sojourner-Campbell will explore the intersection of human rights and equity and how legislation—including the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Education Act—influences YRDSB’s equity-related priorities, policies and procedures.