A Practical Guide to Recognizing and Addressing Discrimination in the Workplace

This session focuses on recognizing, addressing and responding to discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination in the workplace is multi-faceted (including direct, indirect, and systemic discrimination, unconscious bias, microaggressions, retaliations and reprisals, conduct by exclusion and abuse of authority). Without proper identification, discrimination cannot be appropriately addressed and combatted. This session will provide attendees with the tools necessary to identify the various types of discrimination at play in the workplace, and will provide legal and practical takeaways and best practices for responding proactively and reactively.

Workplace Investigation Training Workshop

This session focuses on investigation fundamentals. Attendees will learn the key takeaways from case law and best practices for investigating workplace incidents.

Ontario Introduces Working for Workers Six Act, 2024

On November 27, 2024, the Ontario government introduced the Working for Workers Six Act, 2024 (Bill 229). Bill 229 proposes amendments to various employment-related statutes, including the Employment Standards Act, 2000, Occupational Health and Safety Act, and Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997. Key proposed amendments are addressed below. Employment Standards Act, 2000 If passed,…

Jaime Rivera-Campos

Jaime provides practical and strategic advice to employers and management in both the private and public sectors on a wide range of labour and employment issues. Drawing on experience from one of Ontario’s largest employers, Jaime believes in a personalized approach—building meaningful client relationships to craft strategies that resonate with each client’s unique business goals and challenges. Awards and

Human Rights Tribunal Confirms Statutory Review of Benefit Decision Does Not Constitute New Act of Discrimination

In the recent decision Yu v. Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Tribunal) provided important clarification on the distinction between continuing discriminatory acts and the ongoing effects of past discrimination. The decision offers valuable guidance for employers and administrative bodies on when subsequent reviews of past decisions can constitute fresh…

CCES Releases Draft Canadian Safe Sport Program Rules for Feedback

This fifth installment of the Safe Sport series addresses a first draft of the Canadian Safe Sport Program Rules (CSSP) which has been published for consultation and feedback. This is an important document for the future of safe sport in Canada. As the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) begins its transition to administer…