Ensuring a Safe Holiday Party

The holiday season is a time for people to come together and celebrate. For many of us, this may include workplace parties. While the past few years have looked quite different due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many employers are back to embracing in-person workplace celebrations. No matter the size or type of workplace, all employers…

Ontario to Introduce Legislation Banning Requirements for Canadian Work Experience in Job Postings

On November 9, 2023, the Ontario government announced its intention to introduce legislation which it states would be aimed at protecting internationally trained workers. If passed, the legislation would ban employers from requiring Canadian work experience as a requirement in job postings and application forms. The government also announced that it will be “proposing changes…

Ontario Bill 135, Convenient Care at Home Act, 2023 Consultation Released

The Ontario government has released a proposal for commentary on Bill 135, Convenient Care at Home Act, 2023 (Bill 135). Bill 135 would amend the Connecting Care Act, 2019 to establish Ontario Health atHome, an amalgamation of Ontario’s 14 Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) into a single organization. Proposed Changes Based on the proposed changes…

Provincial Network on Developmental Services: 2023 DS HR Forum

As one of the featured lawyers speaking at the forum, Charles Hofley will discuss key topics in HR including artificial intelligence, bargaining trends and current labour relations, arbitration and human rights issues in the developmental services sector.

A Practical Guide to Recognizing and Addressing Discrimination in the Workplace

This session focuses on recognizing, addressing and responding to discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination in the workplace is multi-faceted (including direct, indirect, and systemic discrimination, unconscious bias, microaggressions, retaliations and reprisals, conduct by exclusion and abuse of authority). Without proper identification, discrimination cannot be appropriately addressed and combatted. This session will provide attendees with the tools necessary to identify the various types of discrimination at play in the workplace, and will provide legal and practical takeaways and best practices for responding proactively and reactively.

Abiola Akinyemi

Abiola’s practice involves providing strategic advice and representation to employers and management in both the private and public sectors on a wide range of issues including grievance arbitrations, labour disputes, occupational health and safety, human rights and accommodation, and employment standards.

Kelly Brennan

Kelly is building a practice that includes advice and representation for employers in both the private and public sectors on a wide range of labour, employment, and human rights issues.

Rebecca Feldman

Rebecca offers advice and representation to employers in the public and private sectors on a wide range of labour and employment matters. This includes grievance arbitrations, human rights and accommodation complaints, employment litigation, labour disputes and workplace health and safety.

Brittany Bates

Brittany is a labour and employment lawyer in Hicks Morley’s Toronto office. She advises and represents employers in the private and public sectors on a wide range of labour, employment and human rights matters.