Jacqueline Luksha Discusses the “Rules of Weed in the Workplace” on the CBC News Network

Hicks Morley’s Jacqueline Luksha discussed the implications that the legalization of cannabis will have in the workplace on the CBC News Network with John Northcott on October 10, 2018. Jacqueline explains the obligations of both the employer and the employee, and provides tips on how employers can prepare for the October 17th legislation.

Committee Invites Public Submissions on Proposed Federal Accessibility Legislation – Due October 25, 2018

As we previously discussed, in June 2018 the federal government introduced Bill C-81, An Act to ensure a barrier-free Canada, accessibility legislation which will apply to certain federally regulated employers. If passed, Bill C-81 will require certain organizations to identify, remove and prevent barriers in the following areas: employment, the built environment, information and communication…

HRPA – Grand Valley Chapter Legal Update

Organizations and HR Professionals must keep an eye on updates in the law to ensure that their organizations are in compliance with legislation and precedent setting decisions, and to enable them to navigate the increasingly complex legal framework that we work in.

HRTO Dismissal of Application for Delay of One Day Upheld by Appellate Court

In a useful decision for employers, the Ontario Divisional Court has confirmed that the one-year timeline for filing an application with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Tribunal) will be strictly enforced. The decision provides a valuable warning to applicants that the time limits required to bring a complaint are indeed requirements and will only…

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace [Video]

In this #MeToo world, it is important that employers address issues relating to sexual harassment in the workplace in a timely and proactive manner. In this video, Nadine Zacks outlines several best practices for employers, ranging from the development of robust policies to leading by example. She also discusses the importance of providing training to employees and the need to act promptly when responding to allegations of harassment.

Welcome Back to School!

With this edition of our School Board Update, we’d like to welcome you back to a new school year. In this Update, we discuss a recent policy of the Ontario Human Rights Commission with respect to accessing education for students with disabilities, which notes that while advances have been made in this area, there is still much work to be done.

Lauri Reesor Quoted in Canadian Lawyer InHouse on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Hicks Morley’s Lauri Reesor was quoted in the September 2018 edition of Canadian Lawyer InHouse in an article titled, “Navigating Sexual Harassment in a #MeToo World.” With the initiation of the #MeToo movement, allegations of sexual harassment are being brought forth exposing high-profile individuals at an unprecedented rate. Lauri notes that she is “seeing an increase in the number of internal complaints that are being made” involving corporations. “People are feeling empowered to come forward.” This opens an organization’s policies, procedures and investigative techniques to scrutiny.

The Globe and Mail Cannabis Decoded

Overview Topic: What legalized cannabis means for employers At this stage in cannabis legalization, many HR professionals and business managers are still unsure what they can and can’t ask related to cannabis use in the workplace. Some are also still trying to understand medical use, and where their duty to accommodate starts and stops. This…