FOCUS ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Inside knowledge management: how it benefits you LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS Top ten legal developments of 2014 The 2015 compliance challenge PROFILE From northern frontier to eastern shores Download PDF
Practice Area: Human Rights
Benefits Canada Publishes an Article Authored by Jodi Gallagher Healy
An article authored by Hicks Morley’s Jodi Gallagher Healy was published in the December 29, 2014 edition of Benefits Canada. The article entitled, “How to maintain a workplace free of sexual harassment” outlines the legislative compliance requirements, a checklist for compliance, necessary communication and training an employer should provide its employees, and discusses the complaint resolution…
Maintaining a Workplace Free of Sexual Harassment
Over the past several months, the issue of workplace sexual harassment has been in the spotlight and the subject of considerable discussion. In response to recent media attention, the Ontario Human Rights Commission recently issued a statement reiterating the legal duty of employers to prevent sexual harassment and to respond to any complaints in the…
Divisional Court Finds Arbitrator’s Approach to Pre-Access Drug and Alcohol Testing Reasonable
The Divisional Court has dismissed a judicial review application of an arbitration decision that held that pre-access drug and alcohol testing was contrary to the parties’ collective agreement and the Ontario Human Rights Code. While the Court declined to comment on the Code, it upheld Arbitrator Surdykowski’s finding that the applicant had violated the collective…
EMS Matters Publishes an Article by Mark Mason and Stephanie Jeronimo
An article authored by Hicks Morley’s Mark Mason and Stephanie Jeronimo was published in the Winter 2014/2015 edition of EMS Matters. The article entitled, “Accommodating Mental Health Disabilities: What are Employers Obligated to Do?” discusses the importance of the duty to accommodate within the workplace. Mark and Stephanie address key issues that employers in the…
Reaching Out – Seventh Edition
Dear Friends, Welcome to the Fall Edition of Reaching Out. As we fall back an hour, we want to make sure that you do not feel like you are “falling back” in terms of current issues in labour and employment law that may affect your workplaces. In that regard, we have a full docket of…
2014 Fall Edition
FOCUS ON UNIVERSITIES Universities – higher learning in the HR world LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS Pillars of success: a “best practices” approach to post-secondary accommodation issues Top ten tips for medical information management PROFILE It’s academic Download PDF
New Employment Standards Leaves of Absence Coming Into Effect October 29, 2014
Effective October 29, 2014, three new job-protected leaves of absence will be added to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 – family caregiver leave, critically ill child care leave and crime-related child death or disappearance leave. The new leaves are in addition to existing leaves of absence available to employees under the Act, and can be…
HRTO Decision Granting Significant Remedies Upheld on Appeal
The Divisional Court has upheld a decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario in which the Tribunal ordered significant damages against the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board and also ordered reinstatement of an employee after an almost decade-long absence from the workplace. The Court agreed with the applicant’s submission that “the goal of the remedial provisions of the Code ought not to…
2014 Summer Edition
Focus on Information Management and Privacy Information and privacy – the HR sphere and beyond Legal Developments A diminished expectation: computer use policies and privacy in the post- world New policy sheds light on gender discrimination prevention People Privacy, please Download PDF