Counsel to financial services institutions in respect of all their dismissal-related matters, including those that proceed to court.

Successfully argued that a contractor has the right in appropriate circumstances to lay off a worker for lack of suitable work or terminate the worker for just cause where the owner of a project objects to the worker remaining on the project.

Successfully argued in the Court of Appeal for Ontario that an arbitrator under a construction industry collective agreement has exclusive jurisdiction to determine whether or not an employee is covered by the terms of the collective agreement.

Successfully argued at a labour arbitration on behalf of a healthcare provider that a limitation on bereavement leave language with respect to the definition of ‘in-law’ was contrary to a broader interpretation in recent case law.

Successfully argued at a labour arbitration that a long-term care home’s discharge of an employee was for cause based on the employee’s comments on social media disparaging coworkers and breaching patient privacy.

Successfully represented an aerospace manufacturer in a number of discharge cases.

Successfully represented numerous federally regulated employers in unjust dismissal complaints under the Canada Labour Code.

Guided several major financial institutions though extensive restructurings and mass terminations.

Provided strategic advice to a media company in order to successfully resist union certification.

Defeated a grievance in which the grievor claimed an entitlement to sick pay benefits during a period of absence for which her claim for WSIB benefits was denied.