Successfully defended a union grievance challenging the termination of a long-term employee for serious safety violations.

Successfully defended a union grievance seeking inclusion of a non-union position within the bargaining unit.

Successfully obtained dismissal of a union wage grievance for an entire job classification based on untimeliness.

Successfully brought a preliminary motion resulting in the dismissal of three grievances for disclosing no prima facie case.

Successfully argued before the Ontario Labour Relations Board that placing unvaccinated employees on unpaid leave did not constitute a layoff under the collective agreement and was a valid exercise of the employer’s management rights.

Upheld decision of fire department to downstaff when too many firefighters called in sick.

Successfully represented a large school board in a labour arbitration where the union sought compensation for expenses employees incurred as a result of switching to remote work at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. All grievances were dismissed.

Successfully defended a paramedic service against union grievances alleging that the employer breached its backfilling requirements under the collective agreement.

Provided strategic advice to school board clients during in-camera board meetings, and to municipal clients during closed-session council meetings.

Regularly appears before the Ontario Labour Relations Board on a variety of construction and non-construction matters including ESA claims, certification applications and status disputes, s. 50 reprisals, etc.