Ryan Markesic

Ryan Markesic is a labour and employment lawyer practising out of Hicks Morley’s Toronto office in all areas of workplace law and in civil litigation. Ryan has assisted in arbitrations, tribunals and matters before all levels of courts including the Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal. He has a particular interest and experience in advising and representing colleges and universities on a variety of issues.

Nigel McKechnie

Nigel has a keen interest in trial advocacy. He has developed an expertise in the rules of evidence and litigation strategy, and in applying the Rules of Civil Procedure.

Danika L. Winkel

Danika represents a broad range of public- and private-sector employers—both small and large—in trials, hearings, motions, applications, judicial reviews and appeals. In addition to that work, she provides proactive, day-to-day advice to help employers avoid litigation.

New Standard of Review for Treatment Capacity Appeals – The Vavilov Effect

In December 2019, the Supreme Court of Canada established a new framework that is designed to guide courts on applying the standard of review in judicial review applications. The Court’s long-awaited “trilogy” of cases in Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) v Vavilov and the two companion appeals heard together in Bell Canada v Canada (Attorney General) (collectively, Vavilov) represents an express departure and evolution from the framework that the Court set out in previous cases. Consequently, these decisions will affect the standard upon which Consent and Capacity Board (CCB) appeals will be heard by the courts.